Meds News – Health & Medicine Information


Understanding Mental Health in Teens

Teenagers experience significant hormonal changes, and some of these changes can have damaging mental health effects. The issues might be temporary or permanent but often deal with anxiety and depression.  While some parents might understand…

medications money

4 Ways To Get Help Paying For Expensive Medications

It’s a sad fact that millions of people from most parts of the world struggle to pay for prescription medications. Typically, your doctor can prescribe generic drugs cheaper than their brand-name counterparts. But for most…

green kratom leaves

Kratom for ADHD: Top 10 Facts To Know

Several ople think ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition that only affects children. According to neurologists, ADHD is not caused by poor parenting or lack of discipline but rather is caused by an imbalance in brain…