Meds News – Health & Medicine Information


Physicianhood in History – Medicine Explained

Medicine! What would we do without it? To be fair with you, probably suffer and struggle a whole lot. Imagine not being able to fix the overwhelming pain of an infected cavity or having to…


Supplements that can boost your weight loss

By talking to your friends, colleagues, neighbors, or friends of your friends, you might get to hear about supplements that can significantly impact your weight loss journey, in addition to diet change and physical activity….

wine and grapes

10 Things That Happen When You Consume Alcohol Daily

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans has a rather modest recommendation of 2 standard drinks a day or fewer for men, and one standard drink or fewer for women, with the baseline “standard drink” being roughly equivalent…

sleep better

Sleeping Pills Vs Melatonin Sleeping Aids

Insomnia is one of the problems this modern generation faces. A good night’s sleep seems to be a treasure nowadays. And often, people turn to medicines to get their sleep. Some go for the usual…