Pharmaceutical companies have a duty to ensure their products are safe for consumers. However, sometimes these companies put profits before people, and their negligence can cause harm to patients. If you or a loved one has been injured by a pharmaceutical product, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit against the manufacturer. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common cases in which you can file a pharmaceutical lawsuit.
1. If you have been injured by a defective drug, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit.
Drugs must go through rigorous testing before they are approved for sale. However, sometimes dangerous drugs slip through the cracks and make it to market. If you have been injured by a defective drug, you may be eligible to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit against the manufacturer. For instance. In 2014, the diabetes drug Invokana was linked to an increased risk of amputations. Patients who were injured by the drug filed lawsuits against the manufacturer, Janssen Pharmaceuticals. You should get help from Cain & Herren in order to defend your legal rights in those cases. Without legal help, it may be difficult to prove that the drug was defective and that the manufacturer is at fault.
2. If you have been injured by a dangerous side effect of a pharmaceutical drug, you may be able to file a lawsuit.
Even when a drug is safe and effective, it can still cause dangerous side effects. For instance, the popular antidepressant Zoloft has been linked to an increased risk of birth defects. If you have been injured by a dangerous side effect of a pharmaceutical drug, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer. In some cases, the manufacturer may be aware of the risks but fail to warn consumers. This is called failure to warn, and it can make the manufacturer liable for any injuries that occur
3. If you have been injured by a recalled drug, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit.
Sometimes, after a drug is put on the market, it is later recalled due to safety concerns. If you have been injured by a recalled drug, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit against the manufacturer. In 2015, the cholesterol-lowering drug Vytorin was recalled after it was linked to an increased risk of cancer. Patients who were injured by the drug filed lawsuits against the manufacturer, Merck.
4. If you have been denied coverage for life-saving medication, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit.
If your insurance company has denied coverage for life-saving medication, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit. In 2017, the cancer drug Gleevac was denied coverage by Medicare. Patients who were denied coverage for the drug filed lawsuits against the manufacturer, Novartis. This is just one example of a case in which patients have been able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit.

5. If you have been injured by a counterfeit drug, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit.
Counterfeit drugs are fake drugs that are made to look like real drugs. These fake drugs can be dangerous, and sometimes even deadly. If you have been injured by a counterfeit drug, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit against the manufacturer of the fake drug. In 2013, over 1,000 people in China died after taking a counterfeit version of the cancer drug Avastin.
Pharmaceutical companies have a duty to ensure their products are safe for consumers. However, sometimes these companies put profits before people, and their negligence can cause harm to patients. If you or a loved one has been injured by a pharmaceutical product, you may be able to file a pharmaceutical lawsuit against the manufacturer.