In short, it takes much thought and effort to decide on expanding your education. When you are likely to spend a lot of money on time and school in the classroom, you more than need to ensure you obtain the very best academic experience at an institution that will assist you in meeting your professional goals.
Not all acupuncture colleges have the same accreditation. An accredited school will allow you to obtain licensure and quality education. If there are acupuncture programs without national or regional accreditation, you would be amazed.
A doctorate in acupuncture with a Focus on Integrative Medicine
A doctorate in acupuncture should provide graduates with a holistic approach to medicine. The ACTCM leads the way in acupuncture services education by offering the first accredited professional doctorate centered on integrative, collaborative care. This doctorate is provided to students without previous experience with acupuncture or Chinese medicine.
High pass rates on the Licensure Exam
The highest Pass Rates demonstrate a school has equipped students to transfer their classroom education into a professional setting. At CIIS, ACTCM graduates consistently achieve the highest national and California board scores. In 2016, the ACTCM first-time test takers obtained a 100 % pass rate on the CA Acupuncture Licensing Exam. This is a remarkable statistic among many students.
Hands-on Experience In A Clinical Setting Is An Essential Part Of Your Education
The ACTCM offers an on-site Acupuncture and Herbal clinic staffed by student interns who treat over 17,000 patients annually. In their first semester, ACTCM students at CIIS participate in the clinical theatre by observing patients and participating in the interview, diagnosis, and treatment plan with faculty members. Students additionally have exclusive opportunities to intern at local hospitals, including Oakland’s Community-Based clinics and highland Hospital in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area. These websites are designed to provide a demanding training ground for our communities while being affordable or accessible.
A Vibrant Community / Professional Network
An active alumni and professional Network could be one of your most precious assets after graduation. In the international arena, our graduates shape acupuncture and health care policy. ACTCM graduates create integrative health clinics and centers across the country, work alongside doctors in China who help them deepen their knowledge of unique acupuncture techniques, teach at universities, and create successful private practices. Our school experience is made unique by our community of students. The rigorous medical training program at ACTCM attracts a high caliber of diverse, international pupils who are different from any other peer group due to their empathy, focus, and high academic standards.
Comprehensive Knowledge of Herbology
Having a broad knowledge of herbology is essential for an effective acupuncturist. There is a particular focus at ACTCM on the herbal curriculum that includes the identification and herbal theory and function of over 500 herbs. The students have access to the herbal lab and clinic, including a full-service herbal dispensary and a student-run herbal garden containing more than 150 herbs and plants from China, Korea, Japan, Europe, and South and North America.