Things To Know Before Vaping CBD Oil


CBD is being consumed greatly nowadays and the entire industry is going at a very fast rate. Vaping is among the most popular and effective methods to use CBD. With a variety of products available nowadays, it’s very crucial to know about vaping CBD oil before actually trying it yourself. Always pick the best quality vaporizers such as Yocan vaporizer for getting the best quality results and vaping experience.

The CBD regimen has transformed lives. It might be exactly what you need. So keep reading to find out some important things that you must know before vaping CBD oil.

What is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol. It is a naturally occurring cannabinoid that is found in hemp. Hemp is a type of cannabis plant. Cannabidiol is popular for its therapeutic, medicinal, and relaxing properties. Consequently, it has been growing in popularity in recent years. CBD oil has a variety of benefits. As a result, it is used in relieving symptoms associated with inflammation, anxiety, depression, pain, etc. It can also be infused into a variety of products such as vaping juices, CBD edibles, oil tinctures, capsules, creams, so on and so forth.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil has been used for years as an oral tincture. It usually contains MCT oil (generally derived from coconuts). Therefore, it is not really suitable for inhalation! Some studies shown that inhaling such oil can lead to several serious health risks such as lipoid pneumonia.

The CBD tinctures, on the other hand, are strictly for ingestion. Sadly, they don’t come with proper warning labels and are generally sold in the e-juice type dropper bottles.

Also, it’s important to note that CBD oil tincture and CBD oil made for inhalation are different. The CBD vaporizing oil is not oil-based while CBD oral tinctures are not. 

What is the right dosage?

When it comes to CBD vape oil, there is no “one-size-fits-all” thumb rule to be followed. There are many factors that affect the CBD dosage. It may be according to the problem to be treated, body weight, health conditions, CBD tolerance, etc. Also, everybody’s metabolism and body are different than that other. As a result, one dose can have different effects on different people.

Usually, a CBD vape cartridge that contains 100 mg CBD concentrates has about 1-2 mg CBD with every puff. In the case of a CBD vape pen or tank, the per puff concentration of CBD might vary.

It’s advisable to start slow and then gradually increase the dosage to get an understanding of what is one’s tolerance. When you start experiencing positive effects then it’s time to settle with the dosage. On average, a CBD user consumes around 10-30 mg of CBD per day. For severe health issues, some people take around 200-1000 mg CBD per day.

Can vaping CBD have side effects?

Some studies show that CBD consumption can still have certain side effects. In fact, many people experience mild drowsiness when they consume CBD for the first time. Fortunately, it tends to subside with regular consumption. It is often caused because consume high doses of CBD. Other than mild drowsiness, people also experience slight euphoria, hunger, and red eyes. The side effects associated with CBD are way less than the other prescription drugs.

Does vaping CBD oil make you feel high?

Due to the absence of THC that leads to the “high-effect”, vaping CBD oil does not make a person feel “high”. Granted that it is not made from marijuana that contains THC. Generally, CBD is derived from industrial hemp which contains less than 0.3% THC. This much THC does not make anyone feel high. So one doesn’t need to worry about getting high. Also, if a person is afraid that it might show up in a drug test then there are certain CBD products that are completely drug-free. 

Is CBD legal or illegal?

CBD that is manufactured from industrial hemp is not illegal after the Farm Bill Act has been passed. It is no longer criminalized by the federal government. Even though certain states have certain restrictions but in other states, one doesn’t need even a prescription from the doctor to get CBD. As a result, if you use a CBD product that has less than 0.3% THC then it’s legal and can be consumed.