Snoring in pregnancy is a symptom found in a small number of pregnant women. Studies indicated that at least 25% women make sounds in their sleep. More than one-third of the women snore regularly in the week. The snoring symptom usually starts to appear during the second or third trimester. Wheezing results in a low quality sleep and you will find that you don’t have the energy to carry out the daily routine task. There are lots of reasons why many women tend to snore during the gestation period.
Relaxed Muscles in the Upper Airway
One of the reasons is that the relaxation of the upper airway that causes it to become half blocked which makes it difficult for the air to enter. The growing fetus will press on your diaphragm making it harder for you to breathe. Using an anti snoring device can help to keep the airway opened and stop the snoring. Some anti snoring device holds the tongue while others come with chip strap to will hold your jaw.
Increased Estrogen Level
During pregnancy, the hormone level especially estrogen will increase so that mucus starts to build up in your throat. The increase of estrogen can cause this mucous membrane to become swollen. When too much phlegm is build up on your throat, it will reduce the size of the airway so that less air can enter and this will eventually lead to snoring. The nasal membrane can also become swollen when there is an increase the blood volume.
Sleeping with Face Up
Sleeping with your face up can also encourage a snoring problem. Instead of sleeping with your face up, you should sleep on your side to reduce your back and neck pain at the same time. In addition, it can also improve the blood flow to the fetus. A pregnancy pillow is one of the best snoring solutions that can help you sleep better and reduce snoring significantly. A wedge pillow is a type of pregnancy pillow that can lift your head and promote more comfortable sleep.
Weight Gain During Gestation
Another possible explanation on why pregnant women snore is that they put on too much weight when they are pregnant. Obesity puts stress on the body and increases the breathing rate which can lead to wheezing. So, if you want to stop breathing heavily in your sleep, it is recommended that you consult a nutritionist to develop a diet plan so that you don’t eat too much and surpass the recommended weight during the gestation period. The heavier you are during pregnancy, the more likely you will snore in your sleep. When you are overweight, you tend to have more tissues on your neck and throat. The extra tissues can partially block the entrance of the air into the lung. This makes it harder for you to breathe and you will also develop a snoring problem at the same time.
Wrong breathing Technique
It could also be that you are breathing too heavily at night. You should try to breathe in through your nose instead of through your mouth. Breathing through the mouth can lead to snoring at night because you are taking more air into your lung at a faster rate. If you find that it makes you feel breathless to breathe in through your nose, you can try to take in a little air at a time through your mouth. You can also try using a wedge pillow to help you breathe in more gently. Besides, you should try to have your dinner early. If you get hungry after having your dinner, you can have some snack but make sure the food is not too sugary. Eating sugary snacks before sleep can increase the chance of wheezing.
Loud Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Loud snoring is often one of the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that can cause you to stop breathing hundreds of times at night. Those who suspect that they have obstructive sleep apnea should consult a sleep specialist. If you have obstructive sleep apnea, the doctor may prescribe you to receive treatment through continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. Patients who feel that CPAP is uncomfortable can use anti snoring aids as alternative solutions.
In conclusion, wheezing is not to be seen as a small health issue and dismissed as something that you shouldn’t worry about. It can bring several risks such as slow fetal growth, giving birth to a baby with low birth weight and higher chances of undergoing an emergency C section. If you find out that you have a snoring problem, make sure you seek consultation and treatment from your physician.