How Online Therapy Is Changing The World Of Psychology

Human Mind

Distance in communication between a client and therapists isn’t a new concept. Sigmund Freud – the father of psychology – used letters to communicate with his patients.

But that has since changed. Today, the psychological treatment of various mental health problems is undergoing a fundamental change. The widespread availability of digital technology is leading this change. Different websites like exist to offer advice and treatment options via telehealth.

Virtual therapy uses well-established treatments for depression and other anxiety disorders.  But the increase in demand for online counseling services has led to the creation of the International Society for Mental Health Online.  The purpose is to share advice and disseminate information to people who would want to receive these services through the internet.

Online Therapy Today

The truth is that most health practitioners hold online therapy in a high degree of skepticism. Despite this, it’s gaining popularity amongst patients who have received online mental health treatments.

According to studies published in the World Journal of Psychiatry, patients receiving online counseling through video conferencing experience high satisfaction levels.

Most psychotherapists are willing to offer their services online. The exercise presents some benefits to clients and their therapists. But before enrolling for these services, consider issues like ethics, confidentiality, and legal issues. Also, ensure therapists are qualified.

For instance, the world health organization has declared a gap between people in need of this service and the availability of experts to meet the demand. So, what are the advantages of virtual therapy initiatives? What are the outcomes to expect as more and more people take on this anonymous but accessible form of therapy?

The main advantage of virtual treatment is location and familiarity. It occurs on a platform that’s familiar and comfortable to many. On average, kids between the ages of 8 and 18 spend over 7 hours a day online. The adults aren’t far behind in this.

Digital options for mental health and wellness reach a broader spectrum of people. Studies show that in some cases, it can be more effective than conventional therapy. Higher outcome rates are due to the accessibility and convenience of the online platform. Connecting with technology gives you the ability to utilize different resources. Online Counselling Ontario professionals are able to provide resources easier online, and generally it’s easier to connect with people digitally now.

Since these services are online, they can be accessed with any device that supports internet connection. This includes your laptop, desktop or even a mobile phone. It’s interesting to think about how this technique can impact the life of someone going through emotional distress at home. For instance, imagine getting real-time tips on stress management.

Digital technology offers new means of assessing and tracking psychopathology. For instance, sensors in phones make it easier to follow different phenomena on an ongoing basis including speech, movement, sleep, physical activity, and your location. How to use this information is just the beginning.


Online therapy is known to revolutionize how patients and therapists use technology. Hopefully, as new online therapy options emerge, people will seek virtual treatment for their mental health concerns. In focusing on accessibility and prevention, the initiative could help boost societal openness in conversing about mental health and wellness.