There is a difference between being depressed and being unhappy. If you’ve had a horrible week at work or you’re going through a breakup, the term “depression” is typically used to describe how you feel. This sort of depression—major depressive disorder—is more complex. Depression has distinct symptoms that distinguish it from the normal sadness we all feel from time to time.
For many people, determining whether or not they are suffering from depression is the very first step to treatment and recovery. Check out these symptoms associated with depression to see whether you need to see a mental health expert.
Physical Signs
Fatigue and insomnia:
Depression can cause a person to feel exhausted and out of sorts because of a number of physical symptoms. Fatigue and sleep issues are among them. Depression can make it difficult for some people to fall asleep, while it might cause them to sleep too much for others. Even if you sleep a lot, you’ll still feel tired and short on energy.
Weight gain and decreased appetite:
For some, this symptom can lead to weight loss since they are less hungry. Others are unable to stop eating and end up gaining weight. This is a common symptom of exhaustion.
Movement and speech slows down:
In addition to the aches and pains, depression can cause people to feel like they’ve slowed down mentally and physically. Tolerance for pain decreases as a result of depression, which makes the pain more intense. Back or muscle pain is another common complaint.
Loss of sexual desire (sex drive):
Sex can be a source of boredom for those who suffer from depression. Aside from that, several antidepressants have been shown to reduce a person’s sexual desire.
Changes in the menstrual cycle:
When the menstrual cycle changes, so do the symptoms. Pregnancy-related hormone levels can be affected by depression. This might cause ovulation to be delayed or completely halted, resulting in late or non-existent menstruation.
Psychological Signs
For the most part, the mental symptoms of depression are long-lasting, lasting at least two weeks.
Feelings of sorrow and low mood:
Often, people experience feelings of sadness, depression, and exhaustion without any apparent cause.
Negative feelings:
Often, people believe that these feelings and the circumstance will never change.
A lack of self-confidence:
Self-doubt and self-loathing are frequent feelings.
Having a hard time coping with the situation:
These signs and symptoms may differ from person to person, but they are generally upsetting and distressing.
Having a lack of enthusiasm or motivation:
Hobbies and pastimes, which many people used to enjoy, can become less important to people as they age.
Difficulty deciding what to do:
Some people have difficulty remembering things, concentrating, or even focusing.
Suicidal thoughts:
Those with suicidal or self-harming thoughts should seek help and confide in a trusted person.
How To Avoid Depression?
Only a medical practitioner is qualified to diagnose and treat depression. As a result, it’s always a good idea to learn about a few of the most prevalent treatment methods for the ailment. Self-help, counselling, and/or medication are often used as part of a treatment plan.
The following are five suggestions for enhancing your well-being. They may appear to be simple, but they can be quite beneficial.
Every day, take a brisk 15- to 30-minute walk. Alternatively, you can get your heart rate up by dancing, stretching, or doing yoga. It is common for those who are depressed to have little desire to engage in any physical activity. It’s hard to do, but you have to get over yourself and do it. Ask a friend to help you if you need a little extra nudge. Taking the first step in any new endeavour can improve your mood. You can’t stop now.
Balanced diet:
Secondly, eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Depression might make it difficult for some people to eat. Some people may go overboard with their food intake. Your mood and energy levels might be affected by the food you consume. It’s important to eat well when you’re suffering from depression. A healthy diet includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as entire grains. Avoid foods that are high in simple carbohydrates and sugar. Don’t starve yourself for too long. You should eat even if you don’t feel like it, as long as it’s light and nutritious.
Keep your mind off of troubles:
A compassionate friend can be a great source of support when you’re having a tough time. Depression, on the other hand, can cause people to dwell on their troubles, blaming others and reliving them. It can help you stay focused on the negative aspects of your situation.
Express yourself:
Depression may make it difficult for you to express yourself creatively or have fun. However, it can be beneficial to engage in activities that stimulate your imagination. Draw, paint, or just scribble. Make something with your hands, whether it’s via sewing, cooking, or baking. You can express yourself by writing, dancing, or making music. Playing with a pet or chatting with a friend are good options. Look for something to lighten the mood. Go see a light-hearted film. Make choices that you will enjoy. As a result, depression can be alleviated.
Focus on the positives: When a person is depressed, their outlook on the world is affected. The outlook can be gloomy and depressing. Set a daily aim of seeing three positive things to help you improve your perspective. The more you focus on the positive, the more positive things you will begin to notice.
The Verdict
Depression is a serious illness that, if left untreated, can worsen over time. If you don’t want to take antidepressant medication, there are several natural remedies you might try. Treatments such as psychotherapy and medication may benefit.
The best way to deal with depression is to seek help from a medical professional or a mental health professional. Your symptoms may improve if you make lifestyle adjustments such as eating a nutritious diet, exercising, and sleeping sufficiently. You should always consult with your doctor before taking any pills to treat depression since these may have negative effects of their own and/or interact with other medications you are taking.