Understanding the Differences between Organic Vitamins and Synthetic Vitamins


Your body needs enough nutrients to function properly, reduce the risk of diseases or medical conditions and ensure you have a healthy life. This means you should ensure that you supply your body with the right amount of nutrients.

Since several people don’t get enough nutrients from the diet alone, the best alternative is to rely on supplements. However, did you know that supplements such as multivitamins are synthetic? 

What are Organic and Synthetic Vitamins?

There has been much debate over the difference between these two sources of vitamins and if they provide the body with the same value. To help settle this debate, here is what you need to know about organic and synthetic vitamins.

Organic or Natural Vitamins

Organic or natural vitamins come from whole food sources such as plant materials or dried whole foods.  As the name suggests, these vitamins are only derived from organically grown foods and are naturally absorbed by the body.

Since they are derived from natural sources, they can prevent the body from various chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. This lowers the risk of premature death. 

To ensure the body gets the right vitamins, you can consider taking them from one of the numerous brands available online, such as Noor Vitamins, to provide you with natural wellness and a healthy lifestyle.  

Synthetic Vitamins

Also known as nature-identical or isolate vitamins, synthetic vitamins are made artificially in an industrial process. These vitamins only replicate the chemical composition of naturally occurring vitamins and are made without the co-vitamins found in natural whole foods.

Unfortunately, synthetic vitamins are the most common vitamin supplements on the market today. They can exist in tablet, liquid, pill, or powder form and are made to imitate the way natural vitamins act in the body.

It is important to note that synthetic vitamins can fail to provide the desired effect. Chemists are still trying to achieve the replica of organic vitamins. Unlike organic vitamins which are found in whole foods, synthetic vitamins are made artificially in an industrial process or laboratory setting.

How to Know the Difference between Organic and Synthetic Vitamins

If you want to know if the vitamin supplement you are buying is organic or synthetic, you can check the label or the product. Natural vitamin supplements like Noor Vitamins have a list of food sources on the label and can also be labeled as GMO-free or alcohol-free. 

On the other hand, synthetic vitamins don’t have a list of food sources and can use chemical names such as ascorbic acid. Note that though synthetic vitamins may have a similar structure, your body can react differently to them. This is especially important because the supplements are not naturally absorbed by the body. 

The Bottom Line

While your body needs a steady supply of vitamins, it is crucial that you only consume the right vitamins. This means maintaining a healthy balanced diet and also taking natural or organic vitamin supplements. This is not to imply that synthetic vitamins are unhealthy for you, but organic vitamins provide many more health benefits, so try to incorporate more organic vitamins into your diet.