Meds News – Health & Medicine Information

Cannabis Pharma

Most Common Uses of Medical Cannabis

Medical cannabis is extracted from the marijuana plant and used to treat various health conditions. It has been used for many years, but modern science has helped discover more properties in the plant. The active…

diabetes app

Everything You Need to Know About Diabetes Tests

Diabetes is a long-term health issue where the body either cannot produce or use insulin properly. Insulin helps control the levels of sugar in our blood. When there is a lack of insulin, sugar cannot…

remote call telehealth

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring for Personalized Patient Care

With advances in technology, patient care can now transcend in-person visits, allowing clinicians to reach more patients than ever. Remote therapeutic monitoring and remote physical therapy technology enable new solutions that help facilitate the delivery…

Baby teeth

Common orthodontic issues and how to prevent them

Orthodontic issues refer to any problems or irregularities with the positioning of our teeth or jaws. Our gums, jaws, and teeth are genetically created in alignment with our skull and bone structure. These orthodontic issues…

traditional medicine

5 Ways Your Medical Practice Can Improve Patient Confidentiality

A fundamental value of healthcare is patient confidentiality, which guarantees that patients’ private and medical information is kept private and safe. Maintaining patient anonymity is both ethically and legally required of medical professionals. Nonetheless, it…