What to Do if Your Cancer Diagnosis is Wrong

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Finding out that you have cancer can be an overwhelming situation. It’s not uncommon for people who are diagnosed with cancer to go through a rollercoaster of emotions along with being in disbelief about the situation. However, hearing that you have been misdiagnosed and that you don’t have cancer or have a different type of cancer than you were originally told, can be even worse. 

How Cancer Misdiagnosis Happens

Some cancers are more difficult to spot than others, which is why diagnosing cancer can be quite difficult. Some kinds of cancer are quite rare, meaning that less attention is paid to them compared to others. And, with less investment in teaching medical professionals how to diagnose and treat them, mistakes can be more common. Even in common types of cancer, it is not always easy for professionals to spot it easily. Cancer cells can be hard to find, and it can be tricky for medical professionals to determine whether or not a cell or group of cells is cancerous. Some other conditions, such as infections, might appear to look like cancer when seen on an X-ray. 

What to Do Next

If you have been misdiagnosed with cancer and it has had a negative impact on your life, such as costing you time off work or medical bills that were unnecessary, then it is worth getting legal advice. A cancer misdiagnosis attorney can help you determine if your situation has a claim and if you could get compensation paid out to cover the cost of medical bills, time off work, and other expenses that you may not have had if the diagnosis had been correct. You may also be entitled to compensation for other damages such as pain and suffering, especially if you have received painful cancer treatments that may not have been necessary. 

Getting a Second Opinion

Whether your doctor or somebody else tells you that there has been a misdiagnosis of cancer, or if you suspect that you might not have been diagnosed correctly, it is always a good idea to get a second opinion. There are several situations where it is a wise idea to get a second opinion, including if you suspect that your doctor is underestimating the seriousness of the condition, if your doctor isn’t sure about the extent or type of the cancer you have been diagnosed with, if you have been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, or if you think other treatments might be available to you. You may also want to consider getting a second opinion if your doctor is not a specialist in the type of cancer that you have been diagnosed with. It can be worth getting more opinions in some cases, particularly if you are getting varying diagnoses. 


Being diagnosed with cancer is stressful enough but finding out that you have been misdiagnosed can be even more distressing, whether you find you don’t have cancer or have a different type. Whatever your situation, it’s worth getting a second opinion and professional legal assistance.