There is a small walnut-sized gland that can be found just below a man’s bladder called the prostate. In most cases, the prostate is non-cancerous and grows as a man ages. The prostate is a gland that lies below the bladder and surrounds the first part of the urethra.
The prostate gland also plays an important role in the reproductive process. As men age, their prostate continues to grow and can cause problems that affect urination and sexual function.
What is Prostate Cancer?
A prostate problem can be due to an enlarged or noncancerous (benign) growth of the gland. It can also be due to cancer or due to an infection. Symptoms of prostate problems include:
- Urinary problems like difficulty in urination
- Pain during urination
- Burning sensation during urination
- Blood in the urine
- Urge to urinate frequently, etc.
Other symptoms include:
- Difficulty with sexual performance like erectile dysfunction
- Decreased semen production problems with erections
- Lower back pain
- Pain in the pelvic region
- Prostate cancer in advanced stages can sometimes cause rectal bleeding which will be addressed in prostate cancer treatment.
You will be surprised to know that the prostate is the second most common cancer in men, after skin cancer. It is also the most common cancer among men of African descent.
However, there are times when the prostate can enlarge to a point where it causes problems. The prostate is usually a very non-aggressive gland, but in some cases, it can be a bother.
First Signs of Prostate Problems
Frequent Urge to Urinate
Frequent urination is a common symptom of prostate problems. It can be caused by benign prostatic enlargement, prostatitis, and other prostate problems. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. It is close to the bladder, behind the pubic bone.
Difficulty in Urination
The prostate surrounds part of the urethra and is about the size of a walnut, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. The prostate gland makes the fluid that carries sperm out of the body. As a man ages, the prostate can grow larger. It can press on the urethra and make it difficult to urinate.
Blood in Urine or Semen
Blood in urine or semen is a symptom of prostate problems. This symptom can be caused by either benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) or prostate cancer, although a doctor may use other signs to help make the diagnosis.
Blood in urine or semen can be the first sign of prostate problems, but it is not the first symptom. Most men with prostate cancer do not have blood in urine or semen as their first symptom. Instead, most men have other symptoms like trouble starting to urinate, a weak urinary stream, or frequent urination.
Pain in Pelvic Area
Pain in your pelvic region can be a sign of prostate problems. The prostate is a gland in men that produces fluid that helps to make semen. As the prostate gland lies below the bladder, prostate health can affect bowel movements.
You may experience pain or discomfort in the pelvic region if your prostate gland is inflamed or enlarged. Pressure on the urethra from the prostate gland can cause a painful condition called prostatitis. Prostatitis can result in the inability to have an erection, or it can cause pain during intercourse or both.