Using Medical Marijuana to Help Manage Anxiety in Lake Charles

smoking cannabis

If you are diagnosed with anxiety, you can apply for a TeleLeaf medical marijuana card in Lake Charles to have access to medical marijuana. Anxiety is one of the qualifying conditions for medical cannabis in most states.

Many patients suffering from anxiety are now following recommendations from doctors to use medical marijuana to help manage this condition.

What is Anxiety and How Many People Use MMJ to Treat It?

Anxiety is a state of mind that has very real physical and emotional consequences.  It is the body’s natural response to danger. 

It is sometimes referred to as the body’s innate fight-or-flight response, activated when a person feels threatened, under pressure, or confronted with a difficult circumstance.

Anxiety becomes a disorder when the fear or worry doesn’t go away even when there is no immediate threat.  It becomes a feeling that interferes with a person’s life.

Studies show that patients suffering from anxiety experience a calming effect and temporary relief from the symptoms of their condition when they use medical marijuana.  The number of patients using medical cannabis has increased significantly since several states have legalized its use. 

Frontiers in Psychiatry stated that patients who have anxiety and depressive disorders “are increasingly using medical cannabis products to treat these disorders.”

How Medical Cannabis Helps Anxiety Patients in Lake Charles

The chemical components of medical marijuana have a proven effect on the endocannabinoid system of the body that plays an important role in the body’s response to threat, fear, anxiety, and stress

They bind with the natural receptors of the brain to influence the body’s responses.

When medical marijuana is used for anxiety, its naturally-occurring cannabinoids interact with the cannabinoid system to suppress feelings of anxiety.

anxious girl

Using Medical Marijuana for Anxiety

Medical marijuana can help reduce symptoms of anxiety.  This includes insomnia, fatigue, and restlessness.  The hopeful effects of medical marijuana are reflected in its ability to dampen any negative mental effects caused by fear.

Treatments For Anxiety & Their Side Effects

Traditional methods to manage symptoms of anxiety typically include:

  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) alleviates symptoms by helping adjust unhelpful thought patterns and behavioral patterns of avoidance.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs like antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and beta-blockers, help patients relax.

Anxiety medication, specifically anxiolytic, was reported to have side effects like sleepiness, fatigue, and a slowing of mental functioning.  They can also be addictive and habit-forming.

Medical Marijuana as Another Method For Treating Anxiety and

Anxiety symptoms can be relieved by using medical marijuana.  MMJ helps release endorphins, a chemical messenger in the body responsible for feelings of happiness or satisfaction.

Increasing endorphins will lower stress and anxiety levels. Hence, helping a person with anxiety feel better.

Many patients suffering from anxiety are already enjoying the benefits of medical marijuana.  One patient said, “Marijuana has been, by far, the most effective treatment to deal with anxiety, pain, and resulting insomnia.” reported that “medical marijuana is often a recommended starting point as an alternative method for anxiety reduction.”

Can Medical Marijuana Help Treat or Alleviate Symptoms of Anxiety?

Yes, medical marijuana is used by patients suffering from mental disorders like anxiety and depression. 

Research on medical marijuana users for anxiety and depression found out that cannabis users reported a 58% reduction in anxiety and tension and a 50% reduction in depression.  Anxiety symptoms were reduced in 93.5 percent of monitored sessions, while stress symptoms were reduced in 93.3 percent of tracked sessions.

Another study published in a Psychiatry journal concluded that “medical cannabis use may reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms in clinically anxious and depressed populations.”

Apply for a TeleLeaf medical marijuana card today to get access to medical marijuana for your anxiety in Lake Charles.