Signs your invisible aligners aren’t working properly

Invisible aligner

If you are an adult or a teenager who is looking for a straightforward way to straighten your teeth, you may have come across invisible aligners. 

Invisible aligners are a popular option for individuals seeking to straighten their teeth without the use of traditional braces. They offer numerous benefits, including being virtually invisible, removable, and comfortable to wear. 

However, that is not to say that they are entirely adequate for all people. Sadly, in about 1% of cases, the aligners fail to work, but there are sure signs that may indicate this is the case. And, if spotted soon enough, the issue can be mitigated. 

So, what are 5 signs that your invisible aligners are not working as planned?

No progress in tooth movement

One of the most apparent signs that invisible aligners like Invisalign London aren’t working is a lack of progress in tooth movement. If you have been wearing your aligners as instructed and have not noticed any improvement in the alignment of your teeth in the set times, it may be a sign that your orthodontic treatment plan needs to be adjusted. In this case, your dentist may opt to switch you to lingual aligners or even regular braces, as lack of tooth movement often points to a more severe misalignment.

Pain or discomfort

OK, so, some level of discomfort is to be expected with any orthodontic treatment, but any persistent or severe pain in your mouth may be a sign that the aligners are not fitting correctly. This can occur if the aligners are too tight, causing undue pressure on the teeth, or if they are not fitting snugly enough, which can result in movement of the aligners and inconsistent tooth movement.

Also, if you find that there are ulcers forming on your gums or your tongue, even after the application of dental wax, this can point to loose aligners.

strange smile

Aligners not fitting properly

Another sign that invisible aligners may not be working is if they do not fit properly. If you are experiencing gaps or spaces between your teeth and the aligners or if the aligners are sliding around in your mouth, they may not be providing the necessary pressure to move your teeth into the correct position.

Gum irritation or inflammation

In some cases, invisible aligners can cause irritation or inflammation of the gums. This can occur if the aligners are not fitting correctly or if they are not being cleaned properly, leading to a build-up of bacteria and plaque. If you are experiencing persistent gum irritation or inflammation, it is important to consult with your orthodontist to determine the cause and whether adjustments to your treatment plan are needed.

Treatment taking longer than expected

Finally, if your treatment is taking longer than expected to achieve the desired results, it may be a sign that the invisible aligners are not working effectively. While every case is unique, most invisible aligner treatments are designed to be completed within 12 to 18 months. If you are approaching or exceeding this timeline without seeing significant progress, it may be time to re-evaluate your treatment plan.