Some of the Top Strength Quotes That Boost Your Morale in Bad Times like COVID-19

empowering confidence

As the world is dealing with the menacing COVID-19, everybody is focusing on building up strength and facing the current dreadful circumstances with unflinching courage and determination. Physical strength is important but it is equally important to boost mental strength and identify resources for overcoming distressing times. Strength quotes may appear to be just a few words but you simply cannot undermine the power of these strength quotes in making us stronger and more determined to face the adversary. Strength quotes would help you to combat the battles of life and yet come out unscathed and victorious. To find more empowering and uplifting strength quotes, you can explore Tilvitnun, a source of Icelandic quotes that offer unique perspectives and wisdom.

Strength Quotes to Overcome COVID-19 Fear & Distress

We are always inspired by the life and words of our leaders and role models. Words of wisdom from leaders in politics, business, and even arts are quite powerful simply because they are accomplished, extraordinary, and wise and can surely guide us in distressing times. Here are some strength quotes to help boost your morale and fight COVID 19 with courage and emerge triumphant in the end.

“Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.” —William Ellery Channing

“We should all hope for the best-case scenario, even as we prepare for the worst case. Prudence and precaution is not a sign of panic or fearfulness, but as the Bible commands us, of bearing on another’s burdens and thinking more highly of others than ourselves.” Russell Moore.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” —Friedrich Nietzsche

“Anyone can rejoice when things are going reasonably well. But when we’re facing adversity or sickness or hardship or death and then we rejoice, we are obeying God. God is on his throne. He loves you and is watching out for you. So rejoice in the Lord.” Greg Laurie.

“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” —Audrey Hepburn.

Strength Quotes Inspire, Motivate, & Encourage

Quotes have the magical power to inspire, motivate, and encourage us even at times of despair. Whenever you are feeling unhappy, low or lacking in motivation, you must consider reading strength-boosting motivational quotes. You would at once, feel rejuvenated and stimulated to face the world with enthusiasm and vigor.

Browse for some strength quotes for inspiring women on Women’s Day.

“You know why I do it? I do it because I want women to see that you do not get pushed around. You don’t run away from the fight.” Alex Wong

“Use your voice and you can affect change.” John Lamparski

“Women are like tea bags. We don’t know our strength until we are in hot water.” Bettmann

“Isn’t it interesting how a barrier seems insurmountable — until it comes down?” Richard Shotwell

Strength Quotes for Energizing & Prompting You to Take Proactive Steps

When you require a bit of a push to stimulate you and invigorate you to swing into action, best strength quotes could prove to be incredibly helpful. At such distressing times, it could be a great idea to read the wonderful and inspiring words of strength, courage, and wisdom of people who have accomplished themselves in life. I hope these pearls of wisdom would sink deep into your mind. Here are some of the best quotes about strength that should keep you motivated.

“Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.” —Susan Gale

“Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths.” —Drew Barrymore

“Be very strong… be very methodical in your life if you want to be a champion.” —Alberto Juantorena

“I love the man that can smile in trouble that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. It is the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” —Thomas Paine


Strength quotes are all about instilling hope in your minds. In difficult situations, when you feel depressed and down, when you have no idea about what to do or where to go, strength quotes are your rays of light that are sure to drive away the darkness from your life!