Hair loss can happen to men and women of all ages and can bring a drop in self-confidence with it. Men may view their hair loss as a part of a loss of their masculinity, while women may see it as losing some of their soft femininity. While neither of these views are accurate, it can still take a large toll on the way that you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror.
There are many products on the market that claim to offer a solution for hair loss, but they are not always the ideal treatment option for every person. Platelet-rich plasma therapy can offer a treatment option that treats each hair follicle with the healing platelets from your own blood.
What is PRP therapy?
Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) extracts the platelet-rich plasma from your very own blood. The PRP that is extracted from your blood is packed with essential proteins and growth factors that can help to stimulate your hair follicles into new growth.
The extracted plasma is strategically injected into your scalp by your doctor, using very small needles to minimize any discomfort felt.After that add: Its non-surgical option for men who are experiencing hair loss and thinning added a Hair loss treatment clinic in Brisbane.
According to PRP specialists, Man Cave Sydney, there are a number of benefits to this treatment, including the fact that it’s non-invasive, non-surgical, has no downtime for the patient and doesn’t bring with it any significant safety risks.
It costs significantly less than hair transplant surgery.
The results of PRP therapy are temporary, and patients may need up to four treatments to start with, with follow-up treatments every few months.
What takes place during PRP therapy?
The procedure begins with a blood draw. Your blood, typically two tubes of blood, will be run through a centrifuge. This process extracts the platelet-rich plasma from your blood. It can take up to 20 minutes in order to extract the platelet-rich plasma.
A topical numbing cream may be applied to your scalp in order to minimize any discomfort that you feel during the procedure. The injections are typically tolerated well by patients, with minimal discomfort. The treatment should be relatively fast once your doctor begins the injections, but they don’t need to cause pain. Be sure to mention any discomfort or pain to your doctor so that further steps can be taken to minimize it.
Once the treatment is over, you will be free to return to your day without the need for any recovery downtime.
Are there side effects from PRP therapy?
Perhaps the greatest appeal to PRP therapy is that it has almost no risks and side effects associated with it. At most, patients experience redness, tenderness, itching and bruising. These side-effects fade within a day or two and can be minimized with the use of ice packs when needed.
Who is the ideal candidate for PRP therapy?
The ideal candidate for PRP treatments is the man or woman living with androgenetic alopecia, which is more often referred to as male pattern baldness in men. Thinning hair, when caught in its early stages, is much easier to treat than when patients are already living with significant hair loss or who are already bald.
The hair follicles may not be easily encouraged back into growth if they have been dormant for longer than a year.
Taking care of your new hair growth
It can take anywhere from a few months to a full year to see results of treatment. Individual results will vary, based on any number of factors that could include your age, the health of your hair follicles and how well you care for your new hair growth.
Be sure to avoid using hair care products for the first few days after treatment, but beyond that you should be able to use your favorite products without issue. It’s suggested that you avoid hot styling tools or using harsh chemical-containing hair care products that may potentially damage your new hair growth.
As your hair grows, treat it as you would the rest of your hair, taking care to use the right type of styling and treatments that will nourish your scalp and protect your hair from breakage.