How To Prepare Yourself Before Starting Intermittent Fasting

intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a diet plan that aims to healthily curb excessive calorie intake by alternating fasting and eating schedules. There are different ways to do intermittent fasting, and the right one for you depends on your own preferences and needs. Once you determine which type works best for you, you’ll need to learn about the steps to get your body and mind ready for the process.

Here are the ways to prepare yourself before starting intermittent fasting.

Decide on the Type of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting comes in different forms. There is no universal style of fasting and you may have to experiment with several types to find the one that suits your lifestyle. 

Below are some of the common types of intermittent fasting: 

5:2 Diet Plan  

The 5:2 diet plan entails eating normal and healthy portions for 5 days of the week. The remaining 2 days are when you are required to restrict your calorie intake to a maximum of 500-600. Autophagy kicks in when you reduce the days of normal calorie intake, thereby facilitating a healthy weight loss process.  

Eat Stop Eat Plan  

This method is made up of a 24 hour fast that is to be done once or twice weekly. For example, you can decide to fast from Wednesday’s dinner to Thursday’s dinner time. To achieve the best results, make sure that you’re drinking plenty of fluids, eating healthy when you do eat, and avoiding caffeine. For some beginning with 24 hours from the onset is difficult. You can start with 12, 14 or 16 hours depending on how long you can endure. 

Alternate Day Fasting   

Going without food every other day is known as alternate day fasting. Beginners are not encouraged to focus on this type of intermittent fasting because it can cause excessive hunger. You have to be prepared to go without food before bed on the days that you don’t take any meals. 

Warrior Diet   

This diet entails consuming fruits and vegetables in small portions throughout the day. You can look forward to one big meal at the end of the day in the form of your dinner. Be mindful of the meal that you decide to feast on because eating unhealthy foods won’t help your weight loss goals. 

Spontaneous Meal Skipping   

This means you can do as you please. Whenever you don’t feel like cooking, you can skip a meal, and this counts as fasting. People who have eating disorders are not encouraged to try this style as this will not help in healthy eating patterns. When you do feel like eating make sure you’re preparing food that will help you achieve the weight goal that you’ve set. 

Consult Your Doctor

Once you’ve decided on the style and method of intermittent fasting, you need to consult your doctor about your diet plans. Your doctor can guide you based on your medical history and current health conditions, if any. Make sure to follow medical advice that you’re given throughout your intermittent fasting journey to make sure you’re not compromising your health. The goal is to lose weight healthily and sustainably. 

Mentally Prepare

Intermittent fasting can be challenging both physically and mentally. You might have days where you feel discouraged because you didn’t strictly follow your eating plan. You may also feel discouraged when you don’t see any tangible difference in your weight. 

Keep in mind that intermittent fasting is a journey that doesn’t yield results overnight and you need to constantly renew your mind. Before you begin the journey, make sure you’re in a positive mental state to stay committed to the process. 

Eliminate Toxins

A great way to prepare for intermittent fasting is to get rid of the toxins in your body. This means reducing the intake of alcohol, caffeine, and refined sugars. These foods make you retain water, which gives you the feeling of being bloated and sluggish. You need all the natural energy you can get during this process. 


There are several steps you need to take to prepare for intermittent fasting to ensure a healthy journey. Don’t just decide overnight that you want to do intermittent fasting. You must research about the different types of intermittent fasting, consult your doctor, and prepare both your body and your mind.

Remember that intermittent fasting is a unique journey for all. Once you have decided to start the process, you can find social networking groups with members that are on the same weight loss journey. After all, encouragement and motivation can get you through the process more successfully. You can also enjoy specially-designed apps for intermittent fasting.