No parent wants to think that their daughter or son is having ADHD. It’s a difficult diagnosis and an even more difficult treatment process. But understanding the causes of ADHD in children can help parents make informed decisions about how to care for their kids. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common causes of ADHD in children today, as well as what you can do if your child has it.
Genetic Factors
Genetic factors are closely linked to ADHD. A child with a family history of the disorder is more likely to have it themselves. Research shows that people who are born into families of alcoholics or addicts are seven times more likely to develop this disorder than those without these traits in their bloodline. Alcoholism and addiction can cause damage to the developing brain, and this damage is thought to be a major cause of ADHD. Such findings suggest that children who struggle with ADHD symptoms may be predisposed to the disorder before they’re even born.
Smoking During Pregnancy
Smoking during pregnancy is another common risk factor for ADHD. Cigarette smoke harms the brain, and children exposed to cigarette smoke in utero have a significantly higher chance of developing this disorder than those who aren’t. The major contributors to this are the nicotine and carbon monoxide present in cigarette smoke. The former reduces oxygen flow to the fetal brain, while the latter diminishes its ability to absorb nutrients from food. This occurrence can lead to cognitive problems that last into adulthood if they’re not caught early enough. If your therapist tells you that smoking during pregnancy increases a child’s risk of ADHD by threefold or more, it may be best for you to quit before conceiving so as not to harm your baby’s developing mind
Environmental smoke
Environmental smoke is another factor that can contribute to the development of ADHD. Children exposed to environmental smoke, be it from cigarettes or something else, have a higher chance of developing this disorder than those who aren’t. The carbon monoxide in this type of smoke affects cognitive function like in cigarette smoke. At the same time, lead exposure impairs its ability to process information by lowering brain activity levels and hampering synaptic connections between neurons. If you’re looking forward to a baby but struggling with quitting smoking, don’t give up! There are a plethora of things out there designed to help you stop cigarette smoking. That way, you can start your pregnancy on the right foot. And regardless if your little one does end up having ADHD symptoms later down the line, early detection and treatment can help them excel in school, have a great time with their friends, and learn how to take care of themselves as an adult.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury is another risk factor for ADHD. This factor can occur from either accident or violence. The symptoms may vary widely depending on where the damage occurred in their head. In most cases, parents don’t notice something’s wrong with their kids until they struggle to keep up at school due to poor concentration levels caused by memory problems after experiencing such injuries. If your child has suffered a TBI, talk to them about any issues they might be having so you can get medical treatment started right away if need be. The Doctor will be able to run tests and scans to see what’s going on inside their head, and once they pinpoint the problem, you can begin treatment.
We’ve gone over some of the most common causes of ADHD in children, including genetic factors, smoking during pregnancy, environmental smoke exposure, and traumatic brain injury. Parents should note that early detection such as child ADHD quiz and proper care can help treat this disorder before it affects school performance or interpersonal relationships later down the line. Learning how to prevent these causes from developing in our kids’ lives may end up saving them years of trouble later on.