Important Steps To Take After Getting A Shoulder Injury

elbow joint injury

Shoulder injuries can be debilitating and painful, making it difficult to move or even sleep. If you’ve recently sustained a shoulder injury, it is important that you take the necessary steps to ensure your recovery. From getting an accurate diagnosis and following your doctor’s advice to seeking physical therapy and performing exercises at home, there are several things you should do in order to get back on track as soon as possible. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most important steps you should take after receiving a shoulder injury. By taking these actions now, you can get back up and running quickly while avoiding any further damage or complications down the line.

1. Get An Accurate Diagnosis:

First and foremost, it is important to get an accurate diagnosis of your shoulder injury. Your doctor or physical therapist will be able to accurately diagnose the issue and provide you with a treatment plan that includes rest, medications, and/or surgeries if necessary. For instance, if you have a rotary cuff injury then the rotator cuff surgeon Dr. Kevin Kruse advises getting an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan. Also, it is important to get a diagnosis from a doctor who specializes in shoulder injuries. This will ensure that you receive the most comprehensive and accurate information. So before taking any steps, make sure you get an accurate diagnosis from a qualified medical professional.

2. Follow Your Doctor’s Advice:

Once you have received your diagnosis and treatment plan, it is important that you follow the instructions provided by your doctor. This might include attending physical therapy sessions, taking medication as prescribed, or adjusting activities to avoid further aggravating the injury site. Following your doctor’s advice will ensure that you heal properly and get back to full activity quickly. Additionally, make sure to keep your doctor informed about any changes in your symptoms and/or pain levels. Also, if you experience any sudden pain or discomfort, do not hesitate to seek medical help immediately.

3. Seek Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy is important for recovering from any type of shoulder injury. Not only does it help reduce pain, but it also increases mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. During physical therapy, you will be guided through exercises that are tailored to meet your specific needs and to ensure your recovery progresses as quickly and safely as possible. Even if you don’t need surgery or medication following an injury, a physical therapist can provide invaluable guidance on the best exercises to perform at home in order to continue improving strength, flexibility, and range of motion. For example, a physical therapist may suggest exercises such as the wall push-up or the pendulum stretch to help you regain full function in your shoulder.


4. Perform Exercises At Home:

Along with your physiotherapist’s guidance, it is important to perform exercises at home as part of your rehabilitation. This will not only help you keep up the progress you’ve made in therapy but also strengthen muscles and tendons that were injured or weakened by the injury. Make sure to start slowly and gradually build up the intensity as your muscles get stronger. Be mindful of proper form while exercising so that you don’t cause any further damage or pain. Additionally, if at any point during the exercise, you experience excessive pain, stop immediately and consult with a doctor or physical therapist before attempting the movement again.

5. Take Breaks:

It is important to allow yourself time off from exercise and activity in order to give your shoulder adequate rest. Although you may want to get back into full activity right away, this can be detrimental to your healing process. Make sure you are taking regular breaks and not pushing your body too hard too soon. This will help ensure that you don’t cause any further damage or complications down the line. For example, if you find yourself getting tired or sore during a certain activity, take a break and consult with your doctor before returning to that activity.

6. Work on Your Posture:

It is important to make sure that you are maintaining proper posture while engaging in any kind of activity. Poor posture can lead to further injuries and can have a negative impact on your recovery. It is especially important to make sure that you are keeping your shoulders back and down while sitting or standing, as slouching can cause additional strain on the shoulder muscles and tendons. Additionally, if you feel yourself tensing up during an activity, take a few moments to focus on relaxing your body by taking deep breaths and releasing any tension in the affected area.


In conclusion, shoulder injuries can be painful and frustrating to recover from. However, with the right approach, you can ensure that your recovery process is safe and successful. Make sure to follow all instructions given by your doctor or physical therapist, seek out professional help if needed, perform exercises at home according to their recommendations, take regular breaks throughout activities when necessary, and maintain proper posture while engaging in any activity. With this combination of practices, you will eventually reach full mobility again without further aggravation of the injury site.