Doctors care about others every day, but sometimes it’s important to think about yourself as well. Comfort at work, among others, depends on the choice of medical clothing. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right medical clothing and what to look for.
The simplest arithmetic clearly shows that a third of our lives, and more often half, is spent at work. If you make a quick count, you spend 8 hours at work, another 8 sleeping, a couple more for commuting and eating, and then the day is over! If you take into account the preparations before leaving, the road, and emergency situations, then work really becomes a second home.
For doctors, this is a familiar situation. This means that the issue should be approached globally, and if you want comfortable conditions at home, then you should look for comfort at work as well. Where does comfort begin? With clothes, because it is the closest thing to the body.
Choosing the right medical clothing
Doctors have to write a lot of prescriptions. Here we will try to offer a “fashionable prescription” that will make it easy to navigate how to choose medical clothes, and what to look for.
Physician specialization
Although you can choose a universal option, the style of the product, the cut, the presence / type of fastener and the color scheme often depend on the profession of the medical worker. For example, surgeons are more suited to short-sleeved surgical suits in soothing shades of green or blue. And cosmetologists can choose a dressing gown with an unusual cut and color schemes from a denser fabric with the addition of accessories and embroidery.
Fabric structure
Since the doctor spends a lot of time in medical clothing, specific requirements are imposed on the fabric from which it is sewn. It should be breathable, water-repellent, wear-resistant, and easy to care for.
Clothing should not cause discomfort nor distract from the work at hand.
Currently, the range of medical clothing is quite large. You can find a uniform andeven scrub caps in a variety of color combinations – from white and black, to yellow and marsala. You can also find them with a different cutout shape, length, loose or fitted tailoring, and the presence of additional accessories.
How to choose a medical gown
One of the universal options for professional clothing for doctors is a medical gown. It is suitable for almost all doctors whose work is not related to operations. Nevertheless, there are already requirements for details – the presence or absence of pockets and a belt, the length of the entire product and sleeves, and the location and number of buttons.
Fabric structure
The material must perform at least two main functions – to maintain a comfortable body temperature and to retain the shape of the product during long wear. The ideal solution would be a special blended fabric for medical clothing (cotton and polyester), of medium density, which allows the clothing to remain durable, breathable, easy to care for.
The uniform should be comfortable. When trying on a dressing gown, pay attention to whether it is easy for you to perform actions with your hands, to walk, and whether your movements are still agile or not. It is also enough to run your fingers along the seams and evaluate how they feel to the touch, whether they will rub or if the feel flimsy. Do not forget about the fasteners so that the robe does not swing open arbitrarily, yet the loops do not fit too narrow, otherwise precious time will be lost on threading the buttons.
Suitable color range
Color sets the mood, adds zest, and highlights your day. If the medical dress code does not dictate the strictly white color of the medical gown, then you can experiment. Depending on the specialization of the clinic and the doctor himself, there are options for a fully colored product or its individual elements, such as collars, pockets, cuffs, buttons, piping, embroidery.
The most pleasant point that should not be neglected when choosing medical clothing. The beginning of a well-known proverb confirms this – people are greeted by clothes.
A large assortment of medical dresses in the wardrobe will emphasize choice and variety. Depending on the type of figure and individual preferences, you can choose your style for that day.
A bell-shaped model with a tight-fitting top and an extension to the bottom allows you to hide the hip area, when it is too narrow or too wide. Dresses with a belt or double elastic will accentuate the waist.
Despite the special working conditions, the surgical form can be different and emphasize the individuality of the doctor. For men and women, bright colors, trim with colored inserts, embroideries, decorative piping and stitching, interesting cutouts, stand-up collars can become stylish solutions.
Women can also diversify their professional wardrobe with elastic waistbands, bright prints, tapering to the bottom of the trousers.