How Do You Know a Tummy Tuck is Right for You?

nice girl stretching

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure many people get to flatten their abdominal contour. Plastic surgeons can work their magic to repair abdominal muscle separation, remove stubborn fat, restore the belly button, improve stretch marks, and tighten skin. 

This surgical procedure is particularly desirable for people who work hard to achieve their dream bodies, but don’t see their efforts reflected in the mirror. Still, not everyone is convinced that a tummy tuck is right for them. It just might be if you can relate to these signs: 

You Have Realistic Expectations

Many people who have had cosmetic procedures like abdominoplasties would describe their tummy tuck surgeon as a miracle worker. They are capable of achieving some incredible results to help people reclaim their self esteem. 

However, it’s important to have realistic expectations about any upcoming surgical procedure. You can experience incredible improvements with tummy tucks, but they should never be viewed as a weight loss solution or an alternative to a healthy lifestyle. 

You’re Healthy

Any surgical procedure comes with risks. However, those risks can be lower for someone in good health than they are for someone in poor health. If you’re fit and healthy and don’t have any significant health issues, a tummy tuck might be right for you. Your chosen tummy tuck surgeon will run through all possible risks with you so that you can make an informed decision when the time comes. 

You’re Not Planning to Have Any More Children

We never know what the future holds. Therefore, you may not know whether you plan to have more children. However, pregnancy can affect the results of a tummy tuck. If you’ve had an abdominoplasty and become pregnant again, you may experience sagging skin, muscle weakening or separation, and other body changes that see you requiring another abdominoplasty in the future. If you’ve had your children and don’t intend on having any more, you might be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. 

You’re At Your Ideal Body Weight

Tummy tucks are not an alternative for weight loss. Instead, they are an option for people who want to flatten their abdominal contour and fix issues like abdominal muscle separation and sagging skin. 

Most tummy tuck surgeons recommend that you’re at or near your ideal weight before going through with a tummy tuck. If you undergo the procedure before losing significant amounts of weight or becoming pregnant, you may undo your tummy tuck results and require further surgery in the future. 

You’ve Got Time for Your Recovery

There is often a recovery period after a tummy tuck. You won’t be able to undertake strenuous activities for several weeks during this time. You might also need to take time off work. 

You might be ready for a tummy tuck if you’ve got time to dedicate to your recovery, with your personal and professional life unaffected by your surgical procedure. Many people wait until they have accrued several days or weeks of paid vacation leave to limit the financial impact of their surgery. 

It’s never easy knowing if you’re ready for any kind of surgical procedure. However, if you’re tired of not seeing the results of your hard work and can relate to these signs above, now might be the right time to explore your abdominoplasty options.