You didn’t come here to party, did you?
You came here to learn a little about some things you’ve been hearing a lot about: hemp seed oil and CBD oil, the latter of which is sometimes confusingly referred to as hemp oil. Add to the confusion that both botanicals are derived from the same plant, hemp, and beyond being confused with each other are often lumped into the same brain space as products from their agricultural cousin, the cannabis plant.
First things first: Cannabis plants contain high concentrations—figure around 17 percent—of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the stuff that gets you high. We’re not talking about that here.
Hemp seed oil, from the seeds of the hemp plant, has no THC. CBD (or cannabidiol) oil, from hemp flowers, leaves, stems, and stalks, must contain less than 0.3 percent THC to be legally classified as such.
Users of hemp seed oil and CBD oil aren’t looking for a high so much as a higher quality of life – for themselves or even for the animals (dogs, cats, horses) in their lives. Even then, the two products offer distinctly different benefits.
Know What You’re Getting
Surprisingly (or not), some less-than-conscientious marketers out there have helped blur the line between CBD and hemp seed oil products.
Ignorance, perhaps. Or perhaps they know consumers are willing to pay more for CBD oil, which is pricier than hemp seed oil. Deceptive packaging (a marijuana leaf here, a prominent use of the word “cannabis” there) might lure attention away from the ingredients list.
Don’t fall for it. Read the fine print.
Hemp seed oil is often billed as cannabis sativa seed oil. CBD is typically listed as cannabidiol, broad- or full-spectrum hemp, or PCR (phytocannabinoid-rich) extracts.
This infographic was created by Neurogan, provider of pet CBD oil
Here are a few other tips:
Hemp seed oil:
Should be in a dark bottle; should be labeled a lot like olive oil—think “organic,” “cold-pressed,” “unrefined,” or “virgin”; should never be cloudy or have an unusual odor.
CBD oil:
Consider the milligrams of CBD listed (per serving or per bottle) and calculate the price per milligram; look for third-party testing, whole-plant extracts, and trustworthy vendors; store in a cool, dry place.
Hemp Seed Oil Uses/Benefits
Hemp seed oil has been a staple on health food store shelves for years. It can be found in hair and skin care products, has many cooking uses, and is a popular nutritional supplement.
Hemp seeds are basically a superfood, rich in high-quality protein, Vitamin E, zinc, and fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3). Throw in high antioxidant content and a healthy payload of essential amino acids, and it’s no wonder hemp seed oil advocates tout benefits ranging from immune system boosts to constipation relief.
CBD Oil Uses/Benefits
In comparison, CBD oil is a much newer product. The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, known as the Farm Bill, broadly expanded hemp cultivation and the transfer of hemp-derived products across state lines, spurring a CBD boom.
CBD oil promotes general wellness in a number of ways, among them:
- It supports a healthy inflammatory response, which can impact muscle recovery from exercise, among other things.
- It may help with concentration via its interaction with dopamine receptors.
- It contributes to more consistently feeling energized through its support of the endocannabinoid system, which regulates the balance of vital functions (including metabolism).
Sleeplessness, anxiety, and pain can also be positively impacted with the support of CBD oil products.
Choose Wisely
Ultimately, doing your homework is important. Both hemp seed oil and CBD oil can be useful products in your daily life. Dispensaries, compounding labs, and brand websites that emphasize transparency, simple ingredients, and third-party testing can help you navigate the path to a life of increased calm, balance, and simplicity.
Author bio:
Nicklas Brandrup is a co-founder at Neurogan. Brandrup is a serial entrepreneur with a proven track record in the health and wellness space. He is passionate about climate, animal sanctuaries, and enjoys supporting his local community of aspiring entrepreneurs. Through educational content and knowledge-sharing, he hopes to teach people about the growing impact of natural remedies.