Why Giving Your Children the Right Vitamins Is So Important

surprised baby
A child surprised by the risk he's being exposed to

We all want to do what is best for our children to ensure that they grow into healthy and well-rounded individuals. We encourage them to eat healthy food, to stay active, and to deal with the plethora of emotions that they experience as they grow.

With our daily lives lived at such a hurried pace, it’s quite common for children to miss out on the right vitamins and minerals. Let’s take a look at the most important vitamins in a child’s life, and why they are so important.

The Early Years 

As a child progresses from being a baby to being of school age, a lot changes in both their body and mind. This is particularly the case with bone development.

Vitamin D helps to build and maintain strong muscles. Furthermore, vitamin D3 helps to aid calcium absorption. Calcium absorption is important at all stages of development, as is it necessary for the normal structure of bones and teeth.

As well as supporting bone development, it’s also important to focus on your child’s vision and brain function during the early years. This is where Omega 3 supplements can benefit you. The omega-3 fatty acid DHA contributes to maintaining vision and brain function, confirmed by the EFSA.


Before the age of 14, children do an extraordinary amount of growing and developing. This is when their sense of self starts to develop and they become more aware of the world and the people around them. Interests start to form and you begin to get an idea of the life they are likely to lead and the careers that will interest them.

With so much growth and development happening at this point, it is important to ensure that your children are getting the right vitamins and minerals into their bodies. The NHS advises that, because it is difficult to get the right vitamins through food alone, opting for a multivitamin with key elements may be best suited.

According to the UK Department of Health, Vitamin D should be a key component of the multi-vitamin that you choose, for the same reasons mentioned earlier in this guide. It is also an essential vitamin for the immune system.

In addition to vitamin D, KidsHealth states that you should give your child B vitamins, particularly B1. The EFSA has approved these claims, stating that thiamine (vitamin B1) contributes to normal carbohydrate and energy-yielding metabolism. This may contribute to a better night’s sleep and a better functioning lifestyle.


The teenage years are a time of change for the whole family. As your offspring grows from being a child, puberty kicks in. Mood swings, the desire for freedom and a whole world of choice present themselves daily.

When going through puberty, teenage girls may benefit from iron supplements, especially as menstruation occurs. A key symptom of menstruation is tiredness, and a report published by Cochrane found that iron will help you to fight against tiredness (claim approved by EFSA).

As you can see, there are many vitamins that contribute towards healthy growth and development.