Most people make an array of resolutions on New Year’s Eve about making changes for the better in 2018. However, a lot of these resolutions end up being forgotten about by halfway through mid-January or early February at a push. The whole concept of ‘new year, new me’ is one that many people believe in, but after a few weeks end up reverting to their old habits once again.
However, this year that doesn’t have to be the case. Just because it is easy to fall back into old, unhealthy habits, that does not mean that you have to do so. Or, if you are yet to attempt to change your ways in 2018, it doesn’t mean that it is too late to. If you are serious about changing your bad habits and leading a happier and healthier life, it may be easier to do than you would think.
Wondering what it takes to get rid of a bad habit food good and what the worst habits to have are? Then read on, for a guide to all the best steps to take to ban the worst bad habits in 2018 and beyond.
Quit smoking
Smoking can be attributed to at least 24 percent of all cancer cases, according to the American Cancer Society. Tobacco use is the cause of 84 percent of lung cancers, 75 percent of larynx cancers, and 52 percent of esophagus cancers. However, within five years of quitting smoking, your risk of developing lung cancer drops by 52 percent and decreases to 82 percent within ten years.
Smoking is also the leading cause of COPD, a group of serious lung disease, and causes your skin to yellow, your breath to smell, and your teeth to become stained. Smoking isn’t a nice habit to have, and yet there are still 36.5 million adult smokers in the US. Make 2018 the year you stop being one of them.
It is not easy to quit smoking, but there is plenty of medical help available. There are chewing gums, mouth sprays, or patches that can be used. Or, you can opt to use an electronic cigarette to help you slowly wean yourself off of nicotine. Electronic cigarettes are incredibly useful for making the quitting process more manageable, as not only do they give you the nicotine hit needed, but they also offer you something to hold in your hand, like a cigarette. And if you want to get rid of your yellow-stained teeth, be sure to drop by this reputable dentist in temple terrace fl.
Put an end to substance abuse for good
If at first, you don’t succeed, try and try again. These are words to live by, particularly when it comes to drug abuse and remaining clean after detoxification. Have you ever wondered why many drug users find it so difficult to stay off drugs once they are ‘clean’?
The fact is that addiction is a cycle and people get trapped in it, finding it extremely difficult to escape it. However, there is a common misconception that once an addict is off drugs, they are ‘safe’ and won’t return to this way of life. This is not the case – a high percentage of drug users will go on to use drugs again after getting clean.
If you want to ensure that this year you get off drugs and remain ‘clean’ for good, you need the right treatment and support system in place. To make receiving treatment more affordable, choose to invest in adequate health insurance, such as Humana drug rehab coverage, that will cover any medical costs attributed to drug or alcohol abuse. Having this cover in place will make the process of getting and staying ‘clean’ easier.
Eat less processed food
Processed food might taste amazing, but the fact is that it is not good for you. The World Health Organization’s research has shown that eating high amounts of processed foods, such as hot dogs and burgers, not only causes weight gain but also significantly increases your cancer risk. So it is worthwhile cutting down on the amount of processed food that you eat, and instead choosing to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Admittedly, this is not always an easy goal to stick to, but it can be more achievable if you are mindful of what steps to take to stay on track. To make healthy, clean eating easier, preparing food in advance is vital, as is ensuring that healthy food is easy to make.
After a long day, many people think that reaching for a takeaway menu or buying a ready meal is easier than cooking, but if you have a range of pre-made meals stored in the fridge or freezer, it does not have to be. Use your spare time to batch cook meals, so that you always have easy access to quick and easy, but also healthy, meals.
Get more sleep
Various studies have shown that when you don’t get enough sleep, your health (both physical and mental) suffers as a result.
A recent study indicated that people who sleep for less than six hours a night are 12 percent more likely to die early. While another study found that when people don’t sleep enough, there is a negative impact on their relationships. A third study revealed that people who sleep for less than four and a half hours a night are more likely to have a high BMI and be overweight.
None of these findings are good, which should motivate you to get more sleep each night. If you are one of those people who forgets to go to bed, set a reminder on your smartphone for when you should go to bed each night and take note of it. You will feel much happier and healthier in yourself if you make an effort to get a good night’s sleep each night and break that bad habit once and for all.
It is not always easy to break your bad habits, but when they are impacting your health and wellness, it is crucial that you take steps to do so. It may not always be easy to stay on track with your resolutions, but if you are serious about making your health a priority this year, it is vital that you try your best to do so.