Chiropractic care has been known for centuries as a method of restoring health and wellness in the spine. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to help improve spinal alignment and relieve pain. One of the most common methods specialists use to help align the spine is chiropractic exercises. Chiropractors believe that proper spine alignment is essential for optimal health and wellness. These exercises can help to relieve pain and improve spine alignment.
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These exercises can be done from home, but if you want to make sure they’re being done properly, you may want to consider seeing a professional in your area. A chiropractor can help you properly perform these exercises and ensure they’re effective.
1. The Bridge
The bridge is one of the most common chiropractic exercises for improving spine alignment and relieving pain. Chiropractors believe that the bridge aligns the vertebrae and opens up the spinal cord. The bridge also helps to improve blood flow to the brain and spine. To perform the bridge, sit up in a comfortable position with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your hips and lift your torso off the ground until you are sitting upright. Hold this position for two seconds before lowering your body back to the ground. Repeat this exercise five times.
2. The Quadriceps Stretch
The quadriceps stretch is another common chiropractic exercise for improving spine alignment and relieving pain. Chiropractors believe that this stretch opens up the spinal cord and improves circulation to organs in the lower extremity. To perform this exercise, lie down on your back with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle. Place one hand behind your head and gently pull your head and shoulder toward your elbow. Hold this position for two seconds before releasing it and repeating the stretch with the other arm.
3. The Hamstring Stretch
The hamstring stretch is another common chiropractic exercise for improving spine alignment and relieving pain. Chiropractors believe that this stretch tightens and stretches ligaments in the hamstring area, which can relieve pressure on nerves in the lower extremity. To perform this exercise, stand with feet hip-width apart, parallel to each other, knees slightly bent, and arms at your sides. Reach behind you with one hand and grab hold of either ankle. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in your hamstring area. Hold this position for two seconds before returning to a standing position. Repeat this exercise eight times per leg.
4. The Psoas Stretch
The psoas stretch is another common chiropractic exercise for improving spine alignment and relieving pain. Chiropractors believe that this stretch opens up nerve channels in both lower legs, which can improve nerve function throughout the body. To perform this exercise, sit with both legs stretched out straight in front of you. Place one hand on top of each leg, fingers pointed towards each other, palms facing down. Gently pull both legs towards you until they are close to shoulder height. Hold this position for two seconds before releasing them and repeating the stretch with the opposite leg.
5. The Cat-Cow Stretch
The cat-cow is a yoga pose that has been used by chiropractors for centuries as an effective way to improve spine alignment. To perform this pose, lie flat on your back with both feet flat on the floor next to each other, knees bent so that thighs are parallel to the torso. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee, then wrap both arms around the ankles as narrow as possible from behind (this will put pressure on lumbar vertebrae).
6. The Child’s Pose
The child’s pose is another yoga pose that has been used by chiropractors for centuries to improve spinal alignment and relieve pain. To perform this pose, lie flat on your back with palms flat on the floor and shoulders off the ground. Dig your heels into the ground and Tighten your abdominal muscles to lift your torso and spine off the ground. Hold for two seconds before slowly lowering yourself back down to the floor.
7. The Houndstooth Stretch
The houndstooth stretch is another chiropractic exercise that has been used to improve spine alignment. To perform this stretch, sit on the ground with both legs bent in front of you so that your feet are flat on the ground and your hips are straightened. Place hands on your thighs and spread your legs as wide as possible (keeping your back straight). Reach behind with your left hand and grab hold of your right ankle, then pull your right leg towards your chest until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh.
8. The Kneeling Twist
The kneeling twist is another chiropractic exercise that has been used to improve spine alignment. To perform this stretch, kneel down with palms flat on the ground next to each other. Lean back so that your torso and head are leaning toward one knee while keeping the other leg extended behind you.
If you’re looking for ways to improve your spine alignment, Chiropractic care may be the right solution for you. Contact a chiropractor today for more information on how these exercises can help you achieve optimal health and wellness.