Alternatives for Treating Menopause

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While some women are lucky to experience very mild symptoms of menopause, others feel it much harder. Many menopausal women battle hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, depression, mood swings, bone issues and breast pain on a daily basis, all due to fluctuations in hormones estrogen and progesterone. While there are effective hormone replacement therapies that can treat symptoms of menopause, these carry certain risks, so some choose to seek relief in alternative sources. Luckily, there’s a variety of natural treatments and solutions you can try and the best and most effective ones are listed below. Hopefully, they will help you cope without any additional risks to your health.


Probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidus can be freely used by women in menopause. These cultures help with metabolism and estrogen utilization and some even report lower occurrences of yeast infections during the use of these probiotics.

Black cohosh

This plant is widely available in stores and might help with menopause symptoms like hot flashes. The North American Menopause Society states that this botanical might have short-term benefits when it comes to the treatment of hot flashes, vaginal dryness and night sweats. There are no proven benefits in taking black cohosh for more than six months. Side effects are minimal and mostly include stomach upsets.


Since many women experience anxiety due to menopause, they might benefit from a supplement like kava roots. Hormonal changes often awaken that unpleasant feeling of dread, which can make it hard to concentrate and even sleep. Luckily, if you check out some of the best menopause supplements, you’ll see that kava is usually mentioned. This beverage can be very helpful for healthy women and can help relieve anxiety and stress and make this troubling period a little easier to push through.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D or the sunshine vitamin is produced in the body while being exposed to the sun. With age, the body’s ability to absorb vitamin D lowers which can increase the possibility of developing bone density issues. So, welcoming vitamin D supplements into your life is crucial as you enter menopause. If you want to get the recommended daily dose of 600 IUs, you can spend around 20 minutes outside in the sun, or grab a supplement your doctor recommends.


Some women experience troubles sleeping as they go through menopause. If you suffer from insomnia but don’t want to turn to sleep pills, you can try taking melatonin pills before bed. Unlike other sleeping aids, melatonin is not a sedative—it’s a natural hormone that regulates your wake-sleep cycle and makes it easier for you to create healthy sleeping habits. Melatonin is a number one supplement for sleep, but it has other benefits for menopausal women such as preventing and treating osteoporosis and preventing cognitive impairment.


One of the best and healthiest alternative ways to manage menopause is to get moving. Exercise is beneficial for overall health and can help with everything from managing weight to strengthening muscles and bones and improving mood. And don’t just concentrate on cardio. Weight training is extremely important for women since it can prevent bone loss, reduce the risk of heart issues, diabetes and even cancer. Five moderate-intensity workouts per week are all you need to feel amazing and control those pesky menopause symptoms.


Many mental health issues caused by menopause can be tackled with mindfulness and meditation. Deep breathing practiced during meditation and yoga can have positive effects on the mind and can even ease some symptoms of menopause like depression, anxiety and hot flashes. For instance, if you feel your hot flash coming, you can prepare to minimize it by breathing in through the nose while counting to four. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale through your mouth slowly while counting to eight. Repeat this breathing method for a few more times and you’ll feel calmer and more stable. 

There are various natural alternatives to menopause medication, but keep in mind that just because something is natural, it doesn’t mean it’s completely safe or effective. Marketers and manufacturers don’t always care about your wellbeing and are happy to sell you something that is not proven to work. Therefore, before you start taking any form of supplementation, make sure to consult with your doctor and ask advice. Keep in mind that alternative medicine and supplements can mess with your medication and cause certain side-effects. Luckily, if you consult with professionals and take them respectfully, you can reap many benefits.