7 Warning Signs of Alcohol Abuse and When It’s Time to Enter Rehab

Mailboxes - Photo by: Andrew Taylor

Not sure whether you are overdoing alcohol? How much is too much when it comes to drinking? Unfortunately, the line between moderate drinking and alcoholism is often blurred, and so, many people struggle with alcohol abuse without even knowing it. And while it is legal to drink and you can actually do it responsibly, alcohol can be pretty addictive. 

Once it becomes an addiction, you lose control of your decision-making capacity, suffer from various liver, metabolic and skin problems, and the need for alcohol controls your entire mindset. From there, everything quickly starts to go downhill. 

But let us take a few steps back. 

How can you detect alcohol abuse so that you can check into rehab for alcoholics and avoid having severe alcohol addiction or dependency? Here are seven common warning signs that your alcohol consumption is getting out of hand. 

1. You Have Cut Back on Other Activities to Drink

Used to enjoy activities like hiking, walking, gardening, gardening, or going to the beach with family on weekends? Find yourself doing these things less and less now and instead, prefer to drink? 

If you start to cut back on activities that used to make you happy so that you can go out for your next drink, that should definitely alarm you. Alcohol dependency starts with small things like this, and eventually, you start spending all your time awake drinking. With your full attention on when you will get your next drink, stuff that used to be fun for you can feel dull and even irritating. 

2. You Continue Drinking Even if it Causes Problems at Work or in Your Relationship 

Had instances when alcohol put you at crossfires with your boss? Are you having a strained relationship with your spouse over your drinking? 

In many cases, the people closest to you are the first to notice your alcoholism. But you do not understand their reasoning because you are either unaware of the problem or in denial about it. So, your relationships slowly become strained. 

Now, if you find that even strained relations at work or home still do not dissuade you from having a drink, you should consider getting help. Many alcoholics will go as far as lying about or hiding their drinking behavior- often doing it alone and at odd times- in a bid to avoid confrontations. 

Going to rehab can help you beat your alcoholism and start rebuilding broken relationships in your life. 

Alcohol damage on the skin
Photo by Serge Esteve

3. You Need to Drink a lot More to Get the Effects That You Want

Was there a time when you drank two for the road and went home happy? Find that you need three times the alcohol to get the same feeling today? 

The more you drink, the more your body builds resistance to alcohol. You start needing more and more alcohol to get the same effects over time. Now, your consumption may have been reasonable when you had only two drinks, but at six, eight, and so on, that becomes alcohol abuse. 

4. You Obsessively Think About Alcohol When Not Drinking

If your mind is always thinking about the bottle, even when doing seemingly demanding and non-alcohol-related activities, you might have an alcohol problem and need to enter rehab.

Many victims of alcoholism have persistent cravings and thoughts about imbibing, which they, unfortunately, give in to, going further down the rabbit hole of their addiction. Even so, the good news is you can easily manage these urges and eventually overcome your disease.  

Some of the strategies you can consider implementing to overcome your obsession with alcohol include mindfulness and medication. You can also consider getting support from a group, friend, and family. Better yet, you can book an appointment with a rehab psychiatrist. 

5. You Experience Temporary Blackouts or Memory Gaps 

Cannot account for your whereabouts and actions on the night of? That is a sure sign of alcohol abuse. 

If you take in more alcohol than your body can get out of your system, your active mind shuts down, and your subconscious mind comes to play. It explains why you might still go around and do things while inebriated but have no recollection of the same after a night’s sleep. 

Besides, toxic levels of alcohol in your blood can lead to actual blackouts, where you simply pass out right there on the table or any other place, for that matter. 

6. You Are Unable to Control How Much Alcohol You Drink

When you have an alcohol problem, you will find you do not have self-control when you start drinking. So, a visit to the bar for two or three beers usually ends up in a night out drinking. This lack of control explains why a person suffering from alcoholism will have trouble limiting the amount of alcohol they take in.

Remember, drinking frequently tends to also build up a tolerance for alcohol. When this happens, they will have to take in much more alcohol to feel its effects. They might be a couple of bottles in and still “sober,” so why not a couple more to get there? 

7. You Get Withdrawal Symptoms When Sober 

Fatigue, insomnia, sweating, anxiety, shaking, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting are some examples of typical withdrawal symptoms people with alcohol abuse disorder experience when they do not drink their favorite liquor. 

If you exhibit two or more of these signs every time you miss a drinking occasion, there is a high chance you are abusing alcohol and should seek help immediately. 

Suspect That You Have Alcohol Abuse Disorder? Get Help by Entering Rehab Today

No matter what information you come across out there, alcohol abuse will undoubtedly undermine the quality of your life. So, if you feel like you are slowly losing yourself to its grip and want to take back control of your life, be sure to enter a rehabilitation center for alcoholics. 

Doing that will help you overcome your problem so that you can get back on track and lead the life you have always wanted.