7 Methods To Plan Motherhood


The clock is ticking for you? If you are among those career women facing the dilemma and wish to take control over your life, then we have seven birth control methods to support your family planning decision:

1.   Contraceptives 

They are possibly the most common method to prevent unwanted pregnancy.  Typically, the hormonal contraceptives are consumed as a pill, patch, and the vaginal ring.

They contain a fixed yet small proportion of common hormones – estrogen and progestin.  Generally, they work on the principle of preventing the meeting of a woman’s eggs produced in the ovaries and a man’s sperms

Make sure you do not skip the pill or miss switching to a new patch or the ring. In an otherwise situation, the pregnancy might come knocking doors uninvited.

2.   Condoms

Condoms prevent unwanted pregnancy and reduce the risk of many sexually transmitted diseases (STIs and viral infections). However, you have to be careful with the selection of the type and size of the condom.

Improper use or poorly fitted condoms result in unsafe sex and other sexual health complications.

Many companies do not even provide proper measurements for user guidance. Visit your local drugstore or clinic to get male and female condoms.  You can also speak to your doctor if you need more assistance in selecting the right condom. 

3.   Birth Control Implants

People have grown over conscious of the choices they make, especially if something like unplanned pregnancy is at stake. If you are one of those, then birth control implants such as Nexplanon need your attention.

Basically, they are small matchstick like devices inserted in the upper arm to release hormone progestin to inhibit ovulation.

Having a success rate of nearly 99%, the birth control implant helps you avoid pregnancy for as long as upto 5 years.  Any time you wish to have a baby, get the device removed from a certified doctor, and walk on the road towards motherhood.

4.    Emergency Contraception

Accidents happen!

Missed a pill last night? Did condom slip during intercourse? If you have fallen victim to unplanned pregnancy regardless of the protection, no need to lose all the hopes.

For such unfortunate cases, keep the ‘morning after’ pill handy.  The commonly used emergency contraception pills are Levonelle and ellaOne.  Talk to your doctor before taking any hormonal medication.

Generally, the sooner the better. Make sure you take the pills within 3-5 days for the best results.

Alternatively, the intrauterine device (IUD) can be used to get effective results. They are tiny, T-shape sticks inserted in the uterus.

Studies indicate less than 1% of women are susceptible to pregnancy after unsafe sex.  Its insertion can be painful and uncomfortable but painkillers can help. For instance, copper IUD is inserted for five days after unprotected sex.

Learn more about its potential side effects of whatever emergency contraception you take.

5.   Female Sterilization

As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 27% of US women consider sterilization to avoid pregnancy.

If you choose not to have children, permanent birth control method such as sterilization is considered.  It can be expensive but does work for women putting an end to motherhood.

Though complex, this procedure involves blocking the fallopian tubes that prevent eggs and sperms to meet and fertilize. They can be surgical as well as non-surgical but the results are primarily good with little risks attached.

6.   Cervical Mucus Method

This is yet another popular family planning method that involves close observation of the mucus in the cervix during the menstrual cycle.

From the color to the consistency, the mucus pattern is closely examined to determine the best days to fertilize or not. Either use a finger or tissue to check the cervical mucus on a regular basis.

Use protection if you still pursue sexual activities and want to avoid unwanted pregnancy.


7.   Herbal Birth Control

Herbal contraception is a common but traditional alternative to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Though the research is still inadequate, some recommended herbs are neem, Castor bean, Evodia and many similar.

Generally, the herbs inhibit the body from releasing eggs and fertilize with a man’s sperms to implant the womb.

Talk to your doctor before taking any herbal medicine for it can have side effects.

As we wrap up

Having and when to plan a family is your personal decision. Give it a thought before you indulge in sexual activities to avoid unwanted or unplanned pregnancy.

Talk to your doctor as and when you feel ready to embrace new beginnings with motherhood.