
breast surgery

How To Prepare For Your Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction, otherwise termed as reduction mammoplasty, is a type of surgery for women that aims to reshape their breasts by reducing their size. Around half a million annual breast reduction surgeries are performed internationally….

man in pain

Dr. Philip Henkin List the Signs of a Ruptured Aneurysm

A ruptured aneurysm can be a life-threatening emergency. Unfortunately, an aneurysm can be difficult for the average person to detect, as it can mimic many other, lesser-severe health conditions. Dr.Philip Henkin, a board-certified neurosurgeon in…

doctor knee pain old

Ways to be Transparent & Maintain Patient Confidentiality

Confidentiality and transparency protections for patients are cornerstones of the modern healthcare system. It is essential for medical personnel to maintain the confidentiality of the personal information they are entrusted with. But in a world…