Plaque grows and having teeth 100% plaque-free is impossible, even for dentists like This is why it is important to control it by brushing and flossing daily.
Too much plaque becomes a hard deposit called tartar, which irritates and inflames the gums. Then, gums will get infected by bacteria, swollen, and tender. They will also start bleeding, which is one of the first signs of tooth decay and tooth loss.
Choose the Right Toothbrush
The first thing you should know is how to choose a good toothbrush and toothpaste. The ideal toothbrush has soft bristles because they are kinder on your gum and do not wear away your teeth’s enamel. Change it once every two months. As for toothpaste, choose fluoridated toothpaste because it helps to harden tooth enamel, thus reducing risks of decay.
The main consensus among dental professionals is that brushing your teeth thoroughly at least (2x/day) and flossing at least (1x/day) are the best things you can do for your teeth. Do not apply excessive pressure when brushing your teeth.
Personally, I brush my teeth in the morning, after breakfast and before leaving home, and at night, before going to bed. Here is a tip I learned from my orthodontist almost 20 years ago. At night I brush my teeth once, floss them, and then brush them again after flossing.
I have noticed my morning breath is much, much better. Bad breath is almost non-existing in my life after I started doing this evening routine. Some days I am too tired, but I follow it anyways. On the few times I haven’t followed this routine, the morning breath was back there to remind me why I keep on following my evening routine.
Brush, Floss, Then Brush again
Flossing is important because it removes plaque between teeth and on the gums. Use gentle and slow motions when flossing.
Take good care of your tongue as well.
Most dentists go once a year to the dental hygienist, especially for the extra cleaning that is done in those spots that are tough to reach. Sometimes life happens and you forget about visiting your hygienist, and most doctors agree that the consistency in your daily teeth care is much more important than the yearly visit to the hygienist.
Stay Away from Processed Foods
Anyways, processed food, acidic drinks such as soda pops, and sugary foods should all be limited because all contain food acids that dissolve tooth material, dissolve the minerals in the enamel, and end up causing holes and plaque buildup. Avoiding them is good for your digestion and your teeth as well.
Protect your teeth. Do not use them as nutcrackers or bottle openers. Wear a mouth guard or full-face helmet when playing sports. After they are chipped or knocked-out, there isn’t much else to be done.
If you smoke, stop it. Smoking brings more teeth and gum problems.
Finally, if your gum starts bleeding when brushing your teeth, loose or drifting teeth, these are signs of gum disease. And if you if you feel pain in the tooth or excess sensitivity to hot or cold foods, these are symptoms of a cavity. Call your dentist immediately if you feel any of the above. You can find a lot more great information on how to take care of your teeth by contacting the dentists at WholeLife Dentistry.