Six Tips for Maintaining Physical Health While Studying Online

glasses studying

Remote learning has brought many comforts to our lives. You can cut travel costs, opt for multiple subjects, and even simultaneously focus on work and studies. 

However, these perks have limitations that can become a hassle if not controlled on time. 

Studying online poses several physical health concerns that students find hard to counter. Besides lack of socialization, inactivity and laziness are the risky parts of online studying. 

If you feel that your current study routine has left you feeling non-productive, lethargic, lazy, and incredibly unhealthy, it’s time to make some changes to your routine. 

Let’s explore the seven tips for maintaining physical health when studying online. 

Create a Routine Calendar 

First, you must have a calendar containing an entire breakdown of your day. It helps you create a healthy and effective routine that significantly complements tasks. Generally, a routine calendar includes your wake-up time, exercise and breakfast time, study time, when you will be having lunches, study hours, work hours, and bedtime. 

If you have been neglecting your calendar lately, getting used to your new and improvised routine might take a few weeks. 

Stay strong because each day you don’t cheat brings you closer to a well-organized remote study environment. 

People who become a creature of habit have a hard time getting over their unorganized work routine. You can counter this by bringing your management degree to good use.

For instance, applying for an online master’s in emergency management helps you deal with unexpected events and sharpens your decision-making and policy formation skills.


Create a Study Space 

You might have the most comfortable and posture-friendly bed, but when it’s time to study, you must leave that and go to your study desk. 

Most people prefer a separate room but if you can’t afford that, just a desk would do. 

Organize your books and notes in one place. You can also add decorative accessories that make your study desk look attractive. Remember to place it near an electricity outlet to plug in your laptop and other rechargeable devices.

With a separate setup for study and work, you will move around the house more conveniently and won’t gain weight by being in bed all day. 

Take Time Out for Exercise 

One of the biggest concerns of people who study remotely is inactivity. Staying in the same place for the entire day sounds stressful, but your health will deteriorate quickly if you stop being active around the house. 

woman exercising

People inactive for at least 1 hour a day gain weight quickly. 

Lack of exercise also builds stubborn fats in different body parts and increases the risk of cardiac activity. In this regard, the best thing to do is take time out for cardio and weight-lifting sessions at least five times a week. 

We recommend going to a gym as it allows you to bond with people of your age. 

Even if you are incapable of extensive cardio or fond of lifting weights, something as simple as a walk can put you on track with fitness and motivate you to do more. 

Don’t Forget to Hydrate 

Sitting in front of your laptop, trying to quench that thirsty feeling that has been bothering you because you have a lecture to attend, sounds all inspiring and cute to some. 

Unfortunately, the worst thing your body can experience during the entire remote studying experience is a lack of hydration. 

Drinking sufficient water keeps you active and focused as you study. Moreover, it is also a great way to get up from your chair after short intervals and move around. 

Let’s just thank our bladders for that. 

If you forget drinking water, consider installing a hydration app on your smartphone. Smart water bottles are also in trend because of their alert system that reminds you to take a sip after a short while. 

Take Breaks During the Lecture 

Remote classes mean sitting in front of your laptop screen, listening to the lectures, and trying to cope with the online schedule without stressing yourself out. 

During your lectures, take a break to unwind and relax. It helps you refresh and recharge for the next lecture. Moreover, you can also use this time for a quick 10-minute workout to boost your activity level. 

Even if you don’t exercise during your break time, spend it walking around or completing house tasks that you absolutely loathe after work. 

You can also follow the Pomodoro Technique, which recommends a 5-minute break after consistently working for 25 minutes. By taking breaks after every interval, you can give your eyes a break from constantly looking at a laptop screen. 

The 20-20-20 rule benefits students who are constantly glued to their screens. 

Get a Good Night’s Sleep 

Getting sufficient REM sleep is mandatory for your performance and health as a student. Your body needs at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night. 

If you don’t feel like sleeping, create an environment in your bedroom that assists you in sleeping. 

For instance, you can dim your bedroom lights at 9 PM and put your phone away in silent mode. Try performing some yoga asanas that can put you in a well-rested and comfortable slumber. 

Invest in small things that can significantly improve your sleep, such as a white noise machine, air purifier, and scent diffuser. 

Some people also prefer soothing essential tea to get the ZZZs in. So, if counting sheep isn’t your thing, include a few of the practices mentioned above. 


Online studying has made life easier for many students who wish to accomplish their educational goals without attending a campus. 

Unfortunately, studying in a remote setting can become tiresome and stressful. 

You can overcome such issues by creating a routine and separate study space to balance free and study time. Take time out of your routine to exercise, relax and hydrate. 

While you’re at it, don’t neglect the importance of a good workout. We recommend setting realistic goals that promote a balance between studies and rest.