Samitivej Hospital Fertility Center: Leading the Way in IVF Excellence in Bangkok

couple life

The gift of new life is the most precious of all the natural processes that nature has blessed upon the human race. However, the natural yearning of a female to conceive, carry and give birth to an offspring precedes us as homo sapiens. 

Throughout millennia it has been instinctive for all living creatures to procreate to ensure the survival of the species. The birthing of live young, or viviparity, is often thought of as being part of the procreation process of mammals. However, viviparity precedes the existence of us humans. Invertebrates, reptiles, and marine creatures, including fish, have procreated through viviparity throughout the existence of life.

Scientifically, this is described as the process of two gametes, or sex cells, which fuse to create a zygote. This then develops into an embryo, then a fetus. The fetus is then carried by the mother for a period of gestation, after which, live birthing occurs. 

The vast majority of people give little, or no, thought to the technical and scientific details of human procreation. Couples come together to enjoy the most personal and intimate of all human interactions through physical desire, and the natural instinct to create new life.

Remarkably, human reproduction is incredibly inefficient. Almost 30% of all pregnancies terminate early with an unintended loss. Although these early losses are not uncommon, the “dumbing down” of birthing numbers is further exacerbated by intentional terminations.

Globally, birth rates are falling. In 1950 the average children per woman of childbearing age was about 5, in 2021 that average had fallen to 2.2. Although there are numerous factors contributing to this downward trend, it is notable that the infertility rate worldwide is on the increase, which has been attributed to many differing factors.

For couples experiencing fertility issues, the deep-set desire and yearning to have a child does not dissipate with time. This can lead to much frustration, sadness, and depression. Fortunately, thanks to the advances of medical knowledge and science, for couples that experience difficulties with conceiving, science can now intervene in the process of procreation. That intervention was through IVF.

Invitro Fertilization

IVF, or Invitro Fertilization, is, in short, a treatment for fertilization that involves the female’s eggs being fertilized with the male sperm in a laboratory. Following the fertilization process, the resulting embryos are then transferred to the female’s uterus.

The rates of success of IVF can vary greatly. It is most effective when the female’s age is under 35. Within this group around 50% of women will successfully give birth to a healthy baby following IVF treatment. However, for females over the age of 40, the success rate drops. 

Of course, couples seeking to maximize their chances of receiving successful IVF treatment, selecting a highly competent clinic is the first, and very vital part of the process. Fortunately, one clinic surpasses all others in their rates of IVF success. The Samitivej Hospital Fertility Center in Bangkok is now a world leader in this field of medical science. 

Samitivej Hospital Fertility Center IVF Treatments

Samitivej Hospital has a global reputation for medical excellence, and its IVF clinic in Bangkok is the epitome of that excellence. The fertility center’s treatment programs all revolve around their innovative ART or Assisted Reproductive Technology. It is through employing the most up to date scientific knowledge and technology that has led to the clinic’s unprecedented levels of IVF success.

ART is utilized from the very beginning of the IVF process, beginning with a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis. This will include a medical health check and the assessment of any prior health conditions that may have a bearing on the IVF treatment and woman’s ability to successfully carry a child through to birth.

Following the evaluation and diagnosis procedure the correct program can then be created to maximize the success rate for each individual. There are several differing methods by which to conduct IVF treatment. One of the common, and successful processes is artificial insemination by intrauterine injection, or IUI.

Intrauterine insemination is often referred to as, simply, artificial insemination. The form of fertility treatment involves injecting pre-donated sperm directly into the woman’s uterus. The objective of this treatment is to deposit sperm as close as possible to the egg to improve the chances of fertilization.

Alternatively, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, usually referred to as ICSI might be the preferred treatment. Similar to intrauterine insemination, this procedure also involves extracting and injecting a single sperm from the collected sample but differs in as much as the sperm is deposited directly into the egg.

It may be that in vitro maturation, or IVM, is considered to be the best option. With in vitro maturation, eggs are removed from the woman’s ovaries and are matured outside of the body, a process known as oocytes. Following the removal of the eggs, they are then cultured for between 24 to 48 hours in a laboratory. The eggs are then fertilized in the laboratory with the collected sperm. After confirming the fertilization of the eggs, they are then transferred to the woman’s uterus. 

Frozen Embryo Transfer, or FET, is another innovative procedure offered at the center. This is a procedure where embryos from a previous IVF cycle which have been frozen are thawed and then transferred to the woman’s uterus.

In addition to these common IVF treatment procedures the Fertility Center in Bangkok can also undertake minimal stimulation IVF, usually referred to as simply, Mini IVF, along with ovarian rejuvenation therapy and donor sperm or egg IVF procedures.

IVF on the Global Stage

Following medical innovations from Dr. Patrick Christopher Steptoe CBE FRS, Louise Joy Brown became the first IVF baby on July 25th, 1978. Today the science driving this evolution in procreation continues to push the boundaries of medical knowledge. It is the most technically and scientifically aware fertility institutions that keep pace with the advances in knowledge, procedures, and technology.

Samitivej Hospital’s Fertility Center in Bangkok is one of the world’s leaders, with the ability to keep pace with this rapidly advancing area of medicine. They maintain their place in the upper echelons of fertility treatment by embracing technology and combine this with internationally trained personnel of the highest caliber. This allows clients to travel down the road of parenting with confidence, accompanied by a dedicated team of compassionate partners.