In-Home Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Therapy For TBI in Toronto

workplace accident

If you have had a Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI, rehabilitation and physiotherapy will be an essential aspect of your recovery journey.  Rehabilitation can take several forms depending on what the patient needs most. The therapy course can include physical, occupational, and speech exercises combined with psychiatric assistance and social support. These steps are devised to provide professional service for a successful recovery from the effects of the traumatic injury.

Why Rehab Therapy After a TBI?

As per the CDC, one of the leading causes of TBI includes tragic falls, especially for young kids and adults above 65 years. Other reasons for TBI can be motor accidents, accidental blunt force trauma, and violent assaults.

Getting timely rehab physiotherapy can help a patient:

  • Improve their mobility and day-to-day functioning 
  • Return lost confidence and the sense of dignified independence
  • Attend to the psychological impact of the traumatic injury
  • Adapt to a lifestyle that accommodates new changes compassionately

Rehabilitation can help to prevent TBI complications like:

  • Chronic pain
  • Blood clots
  • Pressure-ulcers or bedsores
  • Breathing issues or lung infections (pneumonia)
  • Muscle atrophy and spasms
  • Bowel and bladder issues
  • Reproductive and sexual dysfunction

TBI At-Home Rehab Risks

Rehab physiotherapy after a TBI does not have risks when attended to by qualified professionals as they take a personalized approach while helping patients at the comfort of their homes. To make sure you receive the best in-house care, visit Core Physical Care, the best Physiotherapist in Toronto, to work closely with your rehab specialist. You can discuss your concerns with the specialists so they can ease your mind and get to study your case better.

What to Expect During Post-TBI Rehab?

Every patient recovering from TBI has a different aftermath that needs to be addressed to have a customized rehab program designed especially for their challenges. The program will involve many kinds of therapists, but the primary coordinator will monitor the overall rehabilitation. For patients who have moved past the surgical recovery and inpatient rehab phases, home-based physiotherapy can help them get a sense of normalcy back in time.

Over time, your rehabilitation plan will evolve as your recovery and abilities get better. You can expect the therapist to work at your pace and build your strength slowly, so the patient successfully gains mobility to the best possible outcome.

The individual program of a TBI recovering patient may include some or all of the approaches below:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Medication
  • Psychiatric therapy (PTSD, anxiety, depression, or stress management)
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Social and emotional support

The extent of treatment and the kinds of therapy required by the patient is determined by the specialists who will assess factors like the extent of damage, aspects affected, recovery curve, and percentage of recovery possible.


The duration of the rehab and follow-up care needed depends on the severity of the brain damage and the patient’s response to the therapy. Some patients are highly resilient and bounce back to full recovery, while others may take more time or only partially recover due to age factors and miscellaneous limitations. To sum it up, the primary rehabilitation therapist will be able to help with in-home care best if the patient is prepared and informed to put in the effort to fight for their chance at recovery. We hope this blog helped you understand TBI rehab therapy better.