Being a foster carer can be a rewarding, fulfilling experience – but that’s not to say it doesn’t come with some new things to navigate. And one of the responsibilities that you may face as a foster carer is navigating any food allergies that your foster child might have. Food allergies can be life-threatening, which is why it’s so important that foster carers understand how to manage them effectively. Keep reading for some helpful tips and strategies to navigate food allergies when fostering a child.
Understanding Food Allergies
If you are planning to foster a child through, then the agency may recommend undergoing training on food allergies to prepare you for such a situation. Food allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a certain food as if it were a harmful substance. This can cause anything from mild symptoms such as stomach upset or a rash, to more severe symptoms like difficulties breathing or anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that requires prompt treatment.
How Common Are Food Allergies?
If you want to become a foster carer, there is always a chance your foster child will have a food allergy. An estimated two million people in the UK have one or more food allergies, and the most common are milk, peanuts, eggs, fish, tree nuts, soy, shellfish, and wheat. However, any food can cause an allergic reaction.
Creating a Safe Environment
When fostering a child with a food allergy, making sure the environment is safe is essential. This involves ensuring that the child’s food is free from any allergens and avoiding cross-contamination. Cross-contamination is when a food allergen encounters a food that the child is not allergic to, ultimately causing an allergic reaction.
There are several things that you can do to create a safe eating environment, including:
- Reading food labels carefully to make sure that the food does not contain allergens.
- Using separate utensils, cooking equipment, and chopping boards for any foods that contain allergens.
- Educating everybody in the household on how to avoid cross-contamination.
- Discussing the child’s food allergies with their teachers, healthcare providers, childcare providers, and any other caregivers.
Understanding Your Foster Child’s Food Allergy
One of the most important things that you can do as a foster carer is communicate with the child’s healthcare providers about their food allergies. Speak to their doctor and any specialists that they may be seeing about the allergy. As a foster carer, it’s also your responsibility to inform any healthcare providers about the child’s food allergies and any medications that they may be taking.
Working with healthcare providers and other professionals, you should also put an emergency plan of action in place that outlines the steps to take if your child has an allergic reaction. This should include when to administer any necessary medication such as an epi-pen and when to call emergency services.
With food allergies becoming more common in the UK, there’s always a chance your foster child may have a food allergy if you are interested in fostering. Educating yourself on their allergy and creating a safe cooking and eating environment is crucial.