Mindfulness is an effective therapeutic technique that reduces anxiety and helps people manage the stress of daily living. When executives use mindfulness, the results are even more powerful. Renowned personal development guru Ishan Shivanand is a visionary, executive coach, and humanitarian dedicated to combining his spiritual wisdom and the mastery of yoga to create wellness strategies that work.
Yoga of Immortals (YOI)
Yoga is a physical and spiritual discipline that combines meditation, breath control, mindfulness, gentle movement, and stretching. When done regularly, this practice helps people manage anxiety, depression, and the increased stress of daily living. Ishan Shivanand is the Founder of Yoga of Immortals (YOI), which is a uniquely structured form of yoga practice that uses ancient meditation skills and Himalayan yoga to help transform lives.
“A human being is not a finite being, as all his limitations make him believe. Each one of us has untapped potential to create good health, success, happiness & positivity. It is just a matter of realizing this and actively pursuing this realization until it becomes a reality.”
– Ishan Shivanand
A 50% Decrease in Anxiety & Depression
Frontiers In Psychiatry published an original research article about a recently conducted study of the impact that Yoga of Immortals intervention has on users. The study involved approximately 1,505 people and lasted 8 weeks. During this time, users reported decreases in depression, anxiety, insomnia, and other troubling or disruptive symptoms.
Participants were assessed using standardized questionnaires for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), insomnia, and overall general health. On average, the study revealed that the introduction of the Yoga of Immortals program decreased anxiety, insomnia, and depressive symptoms by an average of 50% on all assessments given.
About Ishan Shivanand
Ishan Shivanand was born in an ashram, which is a type of religious retreat often referred to as a monastery. Here, he learned to master many useful skills and spiritual disciplines that had been passed down among his people for generations, becoming a highly respected yogi in his community. He currently serves as a professor at multiple colleges and universities throughout the United States and in Mauritius, India.
“It is a sheer lie that you can attain happiness and peace through materialistic things. To be a good human being you need to earn good qualities in yourself. Good qualities will lead to happy, peaceful and healthy life.”
– Ishan Shivanand
- Recognition for Youth Empowerment by the Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore Institutes
- Official Proclamation of Commendation from Lake City, Georgia Mayor
- Special Citation by Office of the Nassau County Comptroller, New York
- Commendation by U.S. House of Delegates
- Special Youth Empowerment Commendation by the City of Milpitas
- Special Congressional Recognition by the U.S. House of Representatives in Pennsylvania
- Commended for spiritual excellence by the City of Cincinnati, Ohio
- Honored by the California State Assembly for his Himalayan yogic wisdom
- Recognized by the United States Senate for his contributions to businesses, veterans, and worldwide communities
- Recognized by Nassau County, NY for his work during the COVID-19 crisis