How to stop hair loss from diabetes

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Diabetes can contribute to hair loss in both men and women through a variety of mechanisms. High blood sugar levels, inflammation and deficiencies in certain nutrients associated with diabetes can all accelerate hair shedding. However, there are steps diabetic patients can take to help limit hair loss and potentially regrow lost hair.

Seeing a healthcare professional is the first step. A doctor can determine if diabetes is the underlying cause of hair loss and make sure blood sugar levels are well managed. This involves monitoring HbA1c levels, following a healthy meal plan and making prescription adjustments if needed. Keeping blood glucose as close to normal as possible is key to reducing complications associated with diabetes, including hair loss.

Managing other diabetes-related health issues can also help limit hair shedding. This includes controlling high blood pressure, high cholesterol and any infections that may be implicated. Medications used to treat these conditions like statins, beta blockers and ACE inhibitors have also been associated with hair loss, so discussing alternatives with a physician may be warranted.

Lifestyle changes play an important role in improving hair health for diabetics. Regular exercise can lower blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation and promote scalp circulation to nourish hair follicles. Losing excess weight through a healthy diet and exercise program also supports better management of diabetes and associated hair loss. Some additional strategies include:

  • Limit sugar and processed carbohydrates to control blood glucose spikes that feed inflammation.
  • Supplement with key nutrients that may be deficient due to diabetes, like vitamin D, zinc and biotin. These help promote proper hair follicle function.
  • Massage the scalp daily with your fingertips to stimulate hair follicles and improve blood flow.
  • Reduce stress through meditation, yoga and deep breathing techniques. High stress can worsen blood sugar control and hormone balance linked to hair loss.
  • Limit heat styling and chemical treatments that damage hair shafts and follicles over time.

Prescription treatments can also aid hair regrowth for diabetics experiencing excessive hair shedding. Minoxidil has been found to stimulate hair follicles and promote growth when applied topically. Finasteride, an oral medication, reduces hair loss by blocking DHT – a hormone thought to contribute to hair follicle miniaturization. There is some evidence these medications are safe and effective for diabetics, though monitoring blood sugar levels closely is important.

For men, a toupee can boost confidence while trying to address the underlying causes of hair loss from diabetes. However, toupees require daily application and adjustment, may not stay put during exercise and sleeping, and need to be replaced every few years.

Hair transplant surgery may restore a more natural hairline and density but is very expensive and not typically recommended for uncontrolled diabetics. Good blood sugar management for at least 1 year prior to surgery along with postoperative care is important to minimize complications and optimize results.

In summary, keeping diabetes and related conditions well managed through medication, diet, exercise and lifestyle changes is key to limiting hair loss and stimulating regrowth. Prescription treatments like minoxidil and finasteride may also help when started early. Though toupees provide an immediate fix, addressing the biological causes of hair loss through good diabetes management offers the best chances for long-term hair health and stability. Following the advice of healthcare providers and hair loss specialists can help create a tailored plan for stopping hair loss associated with diabetes.