How to cope with dyslexia on the job

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A widespread learning condition called dyslexia makes it challenging to accurately detect, read, and write words. As a result, people with dyslexia frequently struggle with spelling, decoding, and reading comprehension.

Dealing with jobs for dyslexics in today’s communicative workplace might be difficult. Being dyslexic is like competing in a 100-metre track race, according to Girard Sagmiller, the author of Dyslexia: My Life. I face obstacles in my lane, but no one else does. I attempted running like my classmates because we all received the same running instruction. But as I reach the first obstacle, I collapse on the ground.

Then, once someone takes the time to teach me how to run hurdles, I outrun my classmates like an Olympic hurdler. The important thing is that I must approach it uniquely and in a manner that suits me best.

In today’s society, most employers are highly understanding and supportive of jobs for dyslexics. An employer’s primary concern is whether or not a candidate can perform their duties correctly, promptly, and efficiently.

You will typically need extra time on particular tasks if you manage dyslexia at work. This is why mastering the art of prioritisation is crucial. To avoid wasting time, list the top jobs for each day.

Reading Documents: 

Read the first line of each paragraph if a document needs to be more critical. Continue to the following section if the first line doesn’t hold your attention.

If a paper is crucial, make an effort to read it around lunch or after work.

Written documents: 

In the workplace, written documents must be understandable and clear. Plan your writing to ensure that you say exactly what you intend to. Keep your phrases brief and direct (avoid rambling). Nobody wants to waste time reading documents that are overly convoluted and lengthy.

Again, use bullet points to make the main themes more understandable and obvious.

Try putting the word or phrase into Google if you misspell it so severely that even the spell chequer can’t fix it. Its spell-checking is efficient.

Reading aloud: 

Practice, practice, and more practice is the only effective coping mechanism. But even in most office occupations, reading aloud is typically unnecessary. Giving presentations from memory is often viewed as more professional.

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Consider which portion of the message you frequently misunderstand when taking notes over the phone. Before writing down the first name, if you misspell the last words, write them down first. Do your best to explain things, but feel free to ask. In most cases, Google will spell out a name correctly for you if you enter it.

Save your time and avoid writing ineffective content. Instead, only write out the most crucial information. Then, to ensure you have all the necessary details, read the message’s specifics to the recipient.


Effective planning is key to managing dyslexia at work. Always think through the quickest and most efficient manner to do your task. Plan daily for a few minutes to ensure you can complete everything quickly.


This is another area where efficiency and planning are critical; what is the quickest and most sensible approach to complete the responsibilities for the day? When faced with unexpected issues, pause for a moment and consider the schedule.


Forgetting to perform anything when asked can be highly frustrating for an employer. As a result, make sure to record everything, whether on post-its or a to-do list. But the most crucial thing is to develop the habit of frequently consulting your notes. If you never glance at a message, it serves no use.

Additional Tips: 

Inform your supervisors and coworkers: 

Most nations have regulations to shield those with learning challenges from prejudice in the workplace. Dyslexic people are frequently knowledgeable, creative, and capable workers, and dyslexia has nothing to do with IQ. Be as open and truthful as possible about your dyslexia because it is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Adapt the settings on your PC: 

Some fonts can make it simpler for dyslexic persons to read the information on a computer screen, which is something that not everyone is aware of. For example, letters and numbers are simpler to read since they are weighted differently. In addition, a desktop can be navigated more quickly and with fewer distractions by changing the backdrop colour of the screen.

Restart your education: 

It is proper to enrol in a course outside of the workplace to improve your literacy abilities. In reality, many employers and managers delight in assisting employees in developing their skills. A tool such as Touch-type It’s a terrific idea to use Read and Spell since it teaches touch-typing, which can make your writing more efficient and accurate. Find out more about dyslexia and typing.

Add more graphs and illustrations: 

If you convert tables into charts and text instructions into diagrams, processing information is more straightforward. To make them more accessible to talk in meetings and during presentations, try printing them on various coloured paper. You can also enquire about delivering reports as audio or video summaries with your supervisor.

Stay organised: 

Everyone on the job experiences stress, but if you are already battling a learning disability, it may be very debilitating. Therefore, keep your schedule structured and prioritise your duties to prevent feeling overloaded. For example, take a long lunch break or schedule a different task for the afternoon if you know the project you will be working on in the morning will be challenging.


Most employers won’t care whether you have dyslexia in the end. Employers are merely interested in the value you add to the workplace. Your dyslexia mustn’t interfere with your ability to fulfil your job’s responsibilities. Dealing with dyslexia at work might make the task more difficult but ultimately more fulfilling.