Sciatica begins when the sciatic nerve is compressed, either by a herniated disc in your spine or a stress fracture on your backbone. Rarely, a tumour might compress the nerve or an illness like diabetes can harm it.
Sciatica pain is mainly caused by following reasons:
- Inflammation/ swelling
- Irritation or friction
- Pinching of nerves.
- Pressing of a nerve at lower back.
- The most common cause is a herniated or slipped disc, which exerts pressure on the nerve root.
- Pregnancy
The majority of sciatica patients recover on their own with time and self-care techniques.
Herniated disk slip:
Vertebrae or spinal bones are connected by cartilage. Cartilage is filled with a thick, transparent substance that provides flexibility and cushioning for movement. Herniated discs happen when the primary layer of cartilage breaks or is damaged. When a disc herniates, the nerves around it may be compressed. When this happens to be the sciatic nerve, it can be extremely unpleasant.
Herniated disc also characterized slid or rupture this disk nucleus slid out of the annulus into the spinal canal through a tear or breakage. Discs that herniate are generally in an early stage of atrophy. The space in the spinal canal is minimal for the spinal nerve and the displaced herniated disc fragment. Because of this displacement, the disc presses on spinal nerves, pain or discomfort that can be severe.
Pressure on the sciatic nerve in the lower back can also be caused by bone spurs and spinal stenosis (narrowing). When this occurs, it can create plenty of issues all the way down the nerve.
Blockage or stenosis of the Spine:
Natural deformation on the vertebrae can cause the spinal canal to shrink. This constriction, known as spinal stenosis, may exert pressure on the sciatic spinal nerves. Adults over the age of Sixty are more likely to suffer from spinal stenosis.
Lumbar spinal stenosis is another name for spinal stenosis. It is distinguished by an unnatural shrinking of your lower spinal canal. This constriction puts stress on your spinal cord and the roots of your sciatic nerve.
Spinal Tumors:
Tumors growing into or along with the spinal cord or sciatic nerve can cause sciatica in exceptional cases. A tumor’s proliferation may exert pressure on the nerves that extend from the spinal cord.
It is a spinal disorder that produces pain in the lower back. It happens when one of your vertebrae, or spine bones, slips out of place and lands on the vertebra below it. Nonsurgical treatment can usually relieve your symptoms. In most cases, surgery for severe spondylolisthesis is effective.
Symptoms of spondylolisthesis:
Its symptoms may vary but the following are the main symptoms of it.
- Persistent back discomfort.
- Rigidity in legs and back.
- Stiffness in the lower back.
- Tight thigh discomfort.
- Stiffness of muscles of the buttocks.
Other Causes:
There are some other causes which may also lead sciatica:
Overweight or obesity:
Excess body weight may assist the spinal abnormalities caused by sciatica because it increases the burden on spinal cord or spinal discs which may lead to sciatica or sciatic nerve pain.
No exercise:
Being lazy may also be one of the biggest reasons for sciatica. It is observed that the ratio of spinal nerve pain is less in active people as compared to those who are lazy and do not focus on daily exercises.
Lifting of heavy objects:
It may exert high pressure or stress on the spinal cord which may cause severe pain.
Driving for longer period:
Being seated for a long period and driving may lead to sciatica due to stress on spinal discs for a long time.
The most prevalent causes of sciatica are age-related spinal alterations, such as herniated discs and bone spurs.
Sleep on uncomfortable mattress:
This may cause displacement of the spinal discs which may lead to severe pain.
Wearing high heels:
It puts pressure on spinal discs and causes friction.
This illness raises the chance of nerve injury, which has an impact on how your body uses blood sugar.Chiropractic treatment may reduce the severity of sciatica or sciatic nerve pain. It may lead the body to heal itself. This is actually non surgical treatment so it is more effective for treating such sciatic nerve pain. Sciatic pain can be avoided by doing exercise on a regular basis.