7 Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD) Every Patient Should Know

CBD oil

Many studies recently touted the benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the most important cannabinoids found in medical marijuana. Many states legalized the use of this plant for medical purposes, and a lot of people are wondering whether this natural remedy could help them treat their conditions. CBD, however, is just one of the active substances found in medical weed. The properties of the highly-purified old that many companies are now selling are quite different from those possessed by the whole plant. Let’s have a look.

CBD is a key ingredient in cannabis

CBD is a cannabinoid, a group of substances found in cannabinoid-rich hemp flower strains that can interact with our brain and nervous system. These chemicals can bind themselves to a group of receptors found inside our body known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system regulates several physiological functions such as pain, the immune response, wound healing and even our reactions to stress and physical damage. CBD is usually found in small percentages in the cannabis plant (around 0.6% to 1%), and is the second most important cannabinoid right after tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

CBD mitigates the effects of THC

As we just said, the most important cannabinoid is THC since it’s found in much higher percentages (10% to 20%). THC is a psychoactive substance that is responsible for many subjective sensations including the famous “high” or “stoned” effect. On the other hand, higher percentages of CBD in a given strain might help to mitigate those effects. Recreational strains are, in fact, rich in THC and low in CBD. Consuming high CBD products such as the purified oil, can fight off the psychoactive effects of THC and help you get back to normal.

CBD is not a psychoactive substance

CBD has no psychoactive effects since it does not act on the same receptors affected by THC. Pure CBD oil has almost no psychological or psychomotor side effects, making it a safe substance even when used on epileptic children. Nonetheless, CBD has is able to regulate many other body functions, can help treat many conditions such as seizures and chronic pain, and might even have a protective effect against cancer.

Studies found CBD to be effective

Many studies found that CBD is a safe and effective substance to treat a vast plethora of conditions. However, the vast majority of them just tested it on animals, although many universities started extending these trials to human subjects. In 2013 a large review of many of these trials has been published on the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. CBD has been found to be effective against:

  • Nausea and vomit
  • Epilepsy and seizures
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Cancer
  • Neurodegenerative disorders
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic pain
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Some forms of psychosis

CBD oil can be used on children

Probably the most groundbreaking discovery about CBD is its unexpected effectiveness in treating some drug-resistant types of epilepsy in children, such as the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and the Dravet syndrome. This extraordinary effect got the attention of the media when a five years old child named Charlotte Figi, suddenly recovered from an intractable form of epilepsy that devastated her life. Many studies proved CBD oil’s effectiveness in stopping seizures and increasing the efficacy of other antiepileptic drugs.

CBD oil is helpful for many psychological conditions

If you suffer from a mental disorder, CBD flower oil may have a beneficial effect. Studies found that CBD can interact with brain receptors that are responsible for the symptoms of several psychological disorders, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and even some forms of psychosis. Always ask your doctor’s opinion before taking CBD, however. A co-administration of this substance can help reduce the side effects of traditional medications or improve their efficacy.

CBD oil is legal in California

Thanks to the Ballot Proposition 215 approved in 1996, all pharmacologic cannabis products can be legally used for medical purposes. To qualify, a patient requires a written medical certificate or a legitimate recommendation from a marijuana doctor. Medical weed derivatives, including CBD oil, can be prescribed for many conditions, including chronic pain, seizures, cancer, anxiety and depression. Medical marijuana can be purchased by any licensed dispensary, including one of the many online ones you can find on the Internet.

Find a reputable seller who offers quality products at a fair price

When it comes to buying CBD oil, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that you need to find a reputable seller like Destino Farms who offers quality products at a fair price. There are a lot of different places that you can purchase CBD oil, but not all of them will offer the same quality or price. Take some time to do your research and compare prices before making your final purchase. You may even want to ask around for recommendations from people who have used CBD oil before.


If you suffer from one of the many conditions that CBD might cure, you should give it a try. Seek your doctor’s advice before changing your medication plan, and take your time to explore the many properties of this natural remedy. It can finally provide you with the help you were looking for.


  1. Kogan NM, Mechoulam R. Cannabinoids in health and disease. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. 2007;9(4):413-430.
  2. Atakan Z. Cannabis, a complex plant: different compounds and different effects on individuals. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 2012;2(6):241-254. doi:10.1177/2045125312457586.
  3. Reddy DS, Golub VM. The Pharmacological Basis of Cannabis Therapy for Epilepsy. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2016 Apr; 357(1):45-55.