Drug testing or screening is not just a legal requirement but also a managerial one too. Did you know that according to a widely published report, about 78% of people currently conduct drug testing on a portion of their workforce? Employers are adopting the mechanism to ensure that the drug screening highlights the employees’ issues more than regulatory regimes. The intent is to use drug screening programs to minimize the risk of hiring a person with a drug abuse or substance abuse problem.
Such an individual lowers productivity while also posing as a security risk to the entire organization. Additionally, individuals with a prior history of drug consumption cause increased turnovers and insurance costs while decreasing workplace safety. Employers turn to drug and health screening companies to design and manage screening programs to address such challenges. All drug screening companies are not the same. Thus, evaluating and selecting one can become a daunting task.
Fortunately, upon Googling drug testing near me, a list of searches reveals certain commonalities in factors of assessment, such as:
1. Industrial Exposure
The first thing you should understand is that drug testing companies function under many licensing regulations, guidelines, etc. They are usually crucial to pass some certification mandated by the respective laws of each state. The industrial exposure of trained professionals reflects in the professional approach with which they go about collecting samples. Their professionalism requires them to maintain complete discretion and confidentiality for the donor.
Moreover, they should also maintain the security and integrity of the specimen. Such professionals’ training is quite comprehensive and often includes a full protocol to complete a urine drug screening.
2. Usage of Certified Labs
The entire process of drug screening lies in its logistical capabilities and testing requirements. Given the nature of the process, the testing equipment and all other logistical parameters must comply with DOT regulations prescribed standards.
Only the most sophisticated technology is used in these tests, the outcome of which must be extremely accurate. Testing drug specimens at certified labs is necessary to ascertain the qualitative benchmarks in terms of accuracy. Some labs certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) must complete standard certification programs for the proper accreditation. They must uphold exceptionally high standards apart from qualifying annual inspections.
3. Expertise in Drug Testing
Expertise in drug testing is more than mere conduction of the test per se. The professionals require in-depth experience in conducting drug tests like mecke reagent to assist the company or the employer properly by realizing the testing program objectives.
Expertise can only stem from the fact that the professionals are aware of the DOT Guidelines and testing frameworks. You also want to make sure you are within your state’s requirements for rules and regulations so make sure to check out Health Street’s Texas drug testing laws or select the state you reside in. Not only that, but the drug testing agency professionals must also ensure the strict following of the testing parameters amongst all other things, to ensure that there are no anomalies with the testing result.
4. Designing Customizable Solutions
As an employer, the priority must always seek such an agency that can quickly and effectively offer solutions customized to your requirements. Remember that the testing is not an exercise in the general business course and is a relatively focused assessment on specific parameters.
Despite being objective, driven drug screening companies should accommodate the goals you have for your organization. Based on these objectives, employers analyze different drug testing options to fulfill their requirements. In such a situation, professionalism is essential while selecting the right screening agency.
5. Using Advanced High-grade Technology
While selecting a drug testing provider, you should also look at the type of machinery and technology used. The reigning perceptions are that the latest technology and advanced, high-grade, and superior quality logistics are a part of any drug testing company’s reliability.
That is because you would want the company to use sophisticated equipment, which will ultimately pave the way for better accuracy. Thus, while ensuring that the drug testing provider provides the latest technology, you should ensure that it includes:
- Electronic Documentation for each part of the testing process
- The right background screening process must accompany drug testing. This is to ensure that the applicant/employee screening process is minutely detail-oriented and extremely comprehensive.
- The technology used by the companies must be such that the collection methods become extremely easier. But the period between the use and detection must be as far as possible.
Most employees are beginning to ensure positive steps in the right direction to prevent any security risks at the workplace. For this, it is vital to screen comprehensively to provide a drug-free workplace.
The Bottom Line
It is essential to select an accurate on-demand testing provider to maintain and achieve a drug-free workplace. This is a crucial step leading to the realization of an effective program to prevent drugs at workplaces. By evaluating the above five factors, you can choose the right on-demand drug testing provider who can meet your expectations of realizing your drug-free workplace program.