4 Common Causes of Ptosis – And How To Treat It

elderly eye

Ptosis, commonly known as droopy eyelids, is a condition that affects many people worldwide. Understanding its causes is crucial in determining the right treatment approach.

This blog post will explore four common causes of ptosis and how to treat it. Read on to learn all the details.

Cause 1: Aging

The primary reason for ptosis is often aging. As our years advance, our skin’s elasticity diminishes, and the muscles that play a role in elevating our eyelids may lose strength. This results in drooping eyelids, affecting approximately one in three adults over 40.

Cause 2: Neurological Conditions

Several neurological conditions can lead to ptosis. For instance, conditions like Horner’s syndrome and myasthenia gravis can interfere with the nerves that control the eyelid muscles, causing them to droop.

Cause 3: Trauma

Injuries to the eye or surrounding areas can also cause ptosis. These injuries could result from accidents, surgery, or even forceful rubbing of the eyes. It’s essential to take precautionary measures to prevent eye trauma, such as wearing protective eyewear during risky activities.

Cause 4: Congenital Issues

Some individuals are born with ptosis, a condition known as congenital ptosis. This occurs when the levator muscle, which lifts the eyelid, doesn’t develop properly in utero. Congenital ptosis can impact a child’s visual development and self-esteem, making early intervention critical.

eye problems

Treatments for Ptosis

There are several treatment options for ptosis, including non-surgical and surgical methods. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Non-Surgical Treatment: Upneeq Eye Drops

Upneeq eye drops offer a non-surgical solution for ptosis. Approved by the FDA, Upneeq stimulates the Muller’s muscle in the upper eyelid to contract, lifting the droopy eyelid.

Benefits of Upneeq include quick results, typically seen within 15 minutes of application and lasting up to 8 hours. It’s non-invasive, with no downtime or recovery period required, making it a convenient treatment option.

Upneeq is more affordable than surgery, costing roughly $200 for a 45-day supply. It also carries fewer risks than surgical interventions, with side effects usually limited to minor irritation at the application site. However, consulting with a healthcare provider before starting Upneeq is essential to ensure it suits your situation.

Surgical Treatment: Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure used to correct severe cases of ptosis. While this invasive procedure typically yields more permanent results than Upneeq eye drops, it comes with a higher cost and a recovery period.

When comparing blepharoplasty and Upneeq eye drops, it’s essential to consider factors like cost, effectiveness, risk, and recovery time. Upneeq eye drops can provide a less invasive, cost-effective solution for those with mild to moderate ptosis.

Embracing a Brighter, Clearer Future with Ptosis Treatments

In conclusion, ptosis can result from various causes, including aging, neurological conditions, trauma, and congenital issues. Luckily, treatments like Upneeq eye drops offer hope to those affected. If you suspect you have ptosis, consult with a healthcare provider to explore these treatment options.

Remember, early intervention can make a significant difference in managing ptosis effectively. We hope this information has been beneficial and thanks so much for taking the time to read it.